Crash, IDK what can i do.

1) SA-MP version. - SA-MP 0.3a
2) Windows version. - XP SP3
3) Video card type. - ATi Radeon 4350HD
3) IP:Port (if any) of the server you are trying to play on. -
4) If you are crashing, paste the crash report in your post and say when the crash occurs. - 0x004DD5A3
5) If you are crashing loading SA-MP, please say whether GTA:SA single player works (test it). - Single SA isn't works too.
6) Do you have any other GTA:SA mods installed? e.g. new vehicles. - Nah, i haven't got mods.

When im want connect to the server, at the loading screen my game is crashed, please, help me.

reinstall sanandreas
is the only way to fix

Man. Im always reinstall the full San Andreas, and not works.

Delete the gta_sa.set file from My Documents / San Andreas User Files

Not works!

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