Compile error

Hey everyone, when i try to compile, it goes wrong and shows me this stuff
: error 021: symbol already defined: "NameTimer"

Plus 23 errors.

new pdistance = 1;
forward NameTimer();
Float:GetPointDistanceToPointExMorph(Float1,Floa t:y1,Float:z1,Float2,Float:y2,Float:z2)
new Float, Float:y, Float:z;
x = x1-x2;
y = y1-y2;
z = z1-z2;
return floatsqroot(x*x+y*y+z*z);
stock SetPDistance(dista)
pdistance = dista;
stock GetPDistance()
return pdistance;
stock EnableDistancedNameTag(delay)
forward NameTimer();

Reallly need help please! Thanks.

pawn Код:
forward NameTimer();
maybe that helps, delete the one at the bottom.

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