[Kick by name?] Help

Ok, I made some NPC's and have a command to enter them and to kick them. But, I want to set it to make each one come and leave, so can I make it so that it runs a check and if their name equals per say, 'HydraNPC' then to kick them?

Also, How do I change the skin of an npc?

Not sure about what the heck you mean in the first part of the post...
I saw kick lol so...
make sure you have "if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;" in the correct places

To set a NPC skin just use the function "SetPlayerSkin" wherever your NPCs are in your GM

I think he means name ... to check the name, and kick if its HydraNPC, do this:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("HydraNPC", *The string, you saved the name to*, true, 20)==0)Kick(playerid);
You wanted it like this?

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