Pleas help me fast i wanna play:(

Well, i start online i never played before i bought today Gta sa cuz i heard of this progam i installed Gta and this progam i did evryting in turtoail

than i connect a server and Bam! it givis an error idk why Pleas help me i was so exided i could play i still cant O.o


If your windows 7/Vista.
[TuT]How to run programs as administrator in Windows 7, Vista.

Update DirectX

Downgrade San Andreas

wich 1 is this?

Depends on which Operating system you are using, if you are running Windows XP, then you can ignore the ******* vid.

You need to know if your GTASA is version 1.0. If you say you bought it today (or whenever) you probably need to downgrade to version 1.0.

That is what the links are for what ******.com gave you (the user, not the website)

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