Awful Trouble

There is an awful problem with SAMP... Atleast on my computer.

Lets start with my hardware:
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.00 GHz) (2 CPUs)
Graphic Card: NVidia Geforce 6200
OS: Windows XP (SP 2)

The problem is:
When I play SAMP, the Task Manager shows a horrible picture - One core is fully loaded (OVERLOADED), and the other one is nearly un-touched. It shouldnt happen! I think it causes the lag that I experiance when I play on some SAMP servers.

More details:
I checked my Task Manager when playing Singleplayer, and the CPU usage is divided to the two processors kinda evenly... But when SAMP goes, it isnt divided, it uses one core and the other one is not loaded at-all.
I heard of such trouble before, I think that SAMP development should code some codes that will divide the CPU usage by the cores, but if they already did it - I guess its a problem with ME...

I appreciate your time, and I wonder - Can you help me out?

Maybe you downloaded some spyware or malware that is making this happen. Re-start your computer and go through task manager to check for any programs taking up a lot of CPU usage. on XP theres a program called dumprep and it literally overloads your CPU if your running ANY GAME.

Make sure you do a virus/anti spyware scan aswell.

Start the task manager, click on the processes tab, right click on gta_sa.exe and click Set Affinity, then check off both CPU's.

About dumprep - I ended all tasks that arent system's stuff or drivers. Including dumprep.
About the both CPUs thing... Ill try it.

GTA:SA using 100% of the first core is nothing unusual, it means it uses the full power of it.

Okay now it divides the weight on both of the cores... But there is still alot of lag.

Originally Posted by soryy708
Okay now it divides the weight on both of the cores... But there is still alot of lag.
That might be caused by your hardware then.

Originally Posted by soryy708
Okay now it divides the weight on both of the cores... But there is still alot of lag.
you might need more RAM, 1 gig doesn;t cut it these days for gaming (not talking about online games) Try to upgrrade to 2 GB of RAM

Also, Your graphic card is REALLY outdated and a low-end card try going for a Radeon HD 3650 OR 4650. Both are generally OK cards that will play last-gen games on med/max and this Gen games on Med

Make sure your power supply has atleast 300w for the 3650 and atleast 400w for the 4650

The point is that sometimes im lagging, and sometimes im not.
GTA : SA isnt a new-generation game, its from around 2005... My graphics card is from 2006.
Im not gaming much new-generation games, so Im not upgrading to 2 GB... yet. I plan upgrading to 4 GB but still... No cash

Well, I had 1gb and it was fine. Like you said, it's a 2005 game.


Enter 'dxdiag' onto the box. (or manually search for dxdiag.exe)
Click the SOUND button.

Exit and try SA-MP. This worked for me many years ago when I first start playing SA-MP.
If this doesn't work, set back to FULL ACCELERATION.

It's worth a go.

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