What Would You Like To See In "Windows 8"

I would like to see:
Lower Idle CPU Usage
No Stupid unfixable Runtime Errors for SA:MP
User friendly, but not so user friendly that you feel like a retard using it.
Better security of course. But I don't like all those little pop ups in Vista
More support for older programs
Easier to modify files and file locations
And of course, QUICK Startup time

useless post.

Actually come to think of it, it won't even be using the Windows NT kernel. It'll be completely different. I remember them saying it before around the same time they announced MinWin.

Windows may show(and access them) linux and other OS harddrive(s)/partition(s) And fix the explorer.exe random crashes. Start menu may be choseble like windows 7 version or new one... Multi desktops won't bad. I can may be count them...
First created account UAC off?

moar cowbell

PS. Notice the thread date, you just bumped a thread from 2009.

Originally Posted by Danny_Costelo
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That looks photoshopped.. "professional editions"?
Yeah. And it's certainly not 8.1; Windows 7 was 6.1, and I'm pretty sure the early betas and RCs of 8 were 6.2 (Used them on VirtualBox ;3)
I guess it would be safe to assume that the final Windows 8 would be considered 6.2 or 7.0.

hope it will be like win 7 with better features and not even close to vista...

Something to improve game speed
More reliable and easier.......................

+Some cool new features , like we saw in windows 7 the boot screen was a big surprise..
So we / I would like to have some more surprises like that
rest more ppl must be knowing better

I'd like the old startbutton/menu back :/

and I'd love it to get rid of all the extrastuff and optimize it to look good and be fast and reliable.

I'd like to see pinball return (And I'm serious about it)

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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I'd like to see pinball return (And I'm serious about it)
They will make on windows 20 trust me.

OFF: XP ftw <3

OTH: Firstly, i don't even if think that its good to post it on a forum with over 2k of users, if it's "VERY secret", just sayin. But if you want some upgrades, i want that they should make more systems like Administrator, or Guest, or things like these is pretty fun to play with, like removing your mom's admin and such..

^ Was just kidding with the last sentence.. ^

How many people have relatives who work in Microsoft? The high volume of people who do is honestly amazing - at this rate, the total world population looks pretty small in comparison.

Windows 8 released only in US?

Who tried windows 8 DEv? can you show us some screen shots? ) I wish it wont be like Windows Vista's system one crappy slow OS. LOL

Installed sa-mp + Pawno

Well, this is a video from *******, from the Microsoft channel:


Originally Posted by Alberto_DR
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Who tried windows 8 DEv? can you show us some screen shots? ) I wish it wont be like Windows Vista's system one crappy slow OS. LOL

- Camacorn

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