Vehicle color changing after in interior

I was normally driving my non-tuned infernus, until I thought to go to Cluckin' Bell. I was there a moment, I came out and my Infernus color has changed. Weird. This happened again when I went back to the Cluckin' Bell and come out. This happen in all interiors.

You are probably using an invalid vehicle color. Valid colors are 0-126.

Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
You are probably using an invalid vehicle color. Valid colors are 0-126.
this happened whit me too using color 87 86 i think ( duno but it was green xD) and after exiting an interior the car was red :/

It will happen when the vehicle colors are set to random (1,1).

Originally Posted by dugi
It will happen when the vehicle colors are set to random (1,1).
I think dugi means -1,-1.

Originally Posted by Seif_
It happens if the vehicle's colors are -1 -1 because when you're in an interior, it destroys the vehicle(the vehicle streams out), and when you get out again, it recreates it because the vehicle streams in(and so it recreates it with the colors -1, -1 so it randomizes again).
yes and no in my case the cars color was 86, 86 not -1, -1 and the car turned red after a visit to an interior

Okay, thanks.

Why do people think it is only -1 that does this? All negative numbers do it.

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