Help please.

I know it's a stupid question but please someone can help with that?
I have a RolePlay server and i want to make a invisible colors on the left radar (map) but in the chat all will stay white (Tab - with the colors).
I did try to use the SetPlayerMarker Faction but it didnt work.
How can i do that in the easy way? or the hard way its the same for me.

Thank you all and im sorry about the stupid question.

And another little question, how can I raise the Health Tag that is over the head?

If you want everyone's colour to be white and invisible on the radar, use

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFFFF00);
The FFFFFF part (colour) makes it white and the 00 part (alpha) makes it transparent.

Originally Posted by radhakr
If you want everyone's colour to be white and invisible on the radar, use

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFFFF00);
The FFFFFF part (colour) makes it white and the 00 part (alpha) makes it transparent.
No you didnt get me.
all the players are invisible! i want to keep it like that..but i want to add colors like blue and red to the Teams and leave them invisible on the map.
Like all people see the color name above the head and TAB but will not see the color on the map that located on the left side down


Then use a different color, either way you'll end up using SetPlayerColor and the last bit of the hex ends with 00.

And I think there's a function for it, but I'm too lazy to look for it.

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
Then use a different color, either way you'll end up using SetPlayerColor and the last bit of the hex ends with 00.

And I think there's a function for it, but I'm too lazy to look for it.
I managed to do the function with the color at the map.
Now im only need the function that disebled the health tag that above the head, please someone?

Try using SetNameTagDrawDistance(0.0); under OnGameModeInit...

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
Try using SetNameTagDrawDistance(0.0); under OnGameModeInit...
I Will.
Do you think the name will remain after i use this funcation?
i saw it in one server..While the name remains the Health tag gone.

Thank you anyway.

Edit: As I thought is used your funcation - the name and the tag of life are gone,
I need that only the Helath tag will disappears.

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