[HELP] Medic Bill in /clothes

I've got a problem, when I enter the binco and I've chosen my skin it gives me a Medical Bill of $100?
Everything is working but the problem is that I get a Medical Bill? I don't know why but maybe one of you can help me out.

I've readed the script like 20 times and I still can't find what's wrong with it.



Joeri =)

nothing in the code you pasted gives a player 100 bucks..., either you'll need to paste more or maybe check if a return has been forgotten somewhere

Yeah I don't see the problem..

Do you know some command that will give the skin like he wants?

Like if you are in the Binco you do /clothes [id] and the skin appears?

Anyone knows something for that?



try adding medicbill = 0; or something like that ( I dont know how its called in GF) when using /clothes

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