AVG v9.0.709 blocking server list

Hey all, just installed AVG and now can't get list of servers. I've tried allowing it in the firewall rules but to no avail and I'm not sure what I'm doing anyway. Short of turning AVG off, does anyone know of a fix for this?

There should be an option in AVG to allow certain programs.

Thanks for the reply. I had already done that.
Apparently AVG not only detects viruses, malware etc but also human tears and pheromones associated with frustration.
As soon as had I finished bleating about it here and on another forum (a samp rpg project), the problem fixed itself.
Requested server list...Got it! I honestly tried requesting after I allowed SAMP through firewall and before I posted. No joy. I get my winge on, problem fixex itself.

Thanks for help and sorry for being a blatant n00b.

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