Linux server - "Segmentation fault"

When starting up my linux test server, it works all fine. But as a player connects, the server just shuts down again, showing this message in the console:

root@XXXXXXXXXXXX:/home/samp/samp03# ./samp03svr

Started server on port: 1337, with maxplayers: 500 lanmode is OFF.

//Here I connected

Segmentation fault
Whats the problem?

Check the server log.. it's a problem with your script not the server if it crashes when a player connects.

Originally Posted by _EminEm_
mmm try
 ./samp03svr %
Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.

The log is not saying anything, thats the problem. You can see the regular player connect, and then the log ends, but the server shuts down.

The server files are copied from another server, so I can use the completely same setup as a test server. On my main server it works fine, on my test server it doesnt work (although It got the same files).

What the hell?

I'd guess something under OnPlayerConnect is causing it to crash.. also remember Linux is case-sensitive for filenames.

It could be the server files, maybe something got corrupted during the transfer.
Try reuploading the main server files (samp03svr etc), thats where i would start if i got a segmentation fault error

You use the plugin to sampmySQL?

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