[Linux] Server not online


I have a problem with SA-MP on linux, I don't see the server online.

This is on a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.04 (I also tried with Debian 5.0).
I have installed SA-MP with Putty, in following this tutorial : https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Linux_Server

All seems to be well installed ( /home/samp03/..).
When i run the server with ./samp03svr &, i can read :
"Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.".
I can also see in the logs the server starts without any problem.

- The process stays active because I see samp03svr in the processes.
- The port 7777 seems to be open (nmap shows me "7777/udp open|filtered unknown").

I don't understand why I can't connect or even see it online with SA:MP client whereas I can see all the other servers.

Have I forgotten something ?

Thank you in advance for your help !

A double post, however for explaining the cause of the problem.

With this dedicated server, I have got two IP : a "fail over IP" and the IP of the server :

I was using the "fail over IP", because it's this one which is given by the hoster. This one doesn't change even if the server has to be changed :

In using the IP of the server, I am able to connect to the port 7777 (UDP) !

Simple, but it was needed to know it !

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