[Please Help] GameMode Text

In my GM i've got a variable called MiniWar, when it's 1 I wan't to display "World War" As gamemode text, if it's 2 I wan't to have "Tank War" as GM text...

This is what i've got;
	new WarName[48];
	if(MiniWar == 1)
		WarName = "World War";
	else if(MiniWar == 2)
	  WarName = "World War";
	new string[48];
  format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", WarName);
It compiles without errors, but it doesn't show the GM text...
What am i doing wrong?

Thanks (:

EDIT: when I use it the server doesn't responds...

pawn Код:
format(WarName, sizeof(WarName), "World War");

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