04.11.2009, 06:17
Today i finished up doing some work on this and i decided to release a newer version. It's 0.3 ready and includes some nifty 0.3 features like drunk level and fighting style saving!
0.3 Features:
- Drunk Level Saving, come back into server and still drunk!
- Set your Chat Bubble with the /cb command.
- Fighting Style Saving, see /fstyles. When player returns his fighting style returns!
- Bot's will not be banned
Old Features are still there!
-AntiCheat (Detects most hacks/cheats)
Commands For Players
/stats, /admins, /report, /sober, /fstyles, /cb
Commands For Admins
Level 1: /mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick
Level 2: /mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere,/setinterior, /setdrunklevel
Level 3:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /explode, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /setinterior, /setdrunklevel
Level 4:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /setinterior, /explode, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /sethealth, /reloadbans, /setdrunklevel
Level 5:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /level, /gmx, /setinterior, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /sethealth, /reloadbans, /explode, /setdrunklevel
To Make yourself admin, login to rcon and type /rconadmin !
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0.3 Features:
- Drunk Level Saving, come back into server and still drunk!
- Set your Chat Bubble with the /cb command.
- Fighting Style Saving, see /fstyles. When player returns his fighting style returns!
- Bot's will not be banned
Old Features are still there!
-AntiCheat (Detects most hacks/cheats)
Commands For Players
/stats, /admins, /report, /sober, /fstyles, /cb
Commands For Admins
Level 1: /mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick
Level 2: /mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere,/setinterior, /setdrunklevel
Level 3:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /explode, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /setinterior, /setdrunklevel
Level 4:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /setinterior, /explode, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /sethealth, /reloadbans, /setdrunklevel
Level 5:/mute, /unmute, /countdown, /freeze, /unfreeze, /info, /ban, /kick, /settime, /goto, /gethere, /level, /gmx, /setinterior, /announce, /setscore, /setwantedlevel, /setcash, /giveallcash, /giveweapon, /giveallweapon, /sethealth, /reloadbans, /explode, /setdrunklevel
To Make yourself admin, login to rcon and type /rconadmin !
Download (MediaFire)
Download Link 2 (UploadFFS)
All links fixed.