Hangup servers if they are running as windows services

We have a problem with the game servers samp.
We have launched more than 60 servers.
Servers running as services Windows, from user SYSTEM Shortly servers hang, they simply can not go, the download stops at this:
0.3 R3:

Connected. Joining the game ...


Connection success. Loading network game...

We did not understand what the problem is only with sa-mp.
This problem occurs at the moment we have with each SAMP server.

I tried to run a server from the user Administrator, simply run samp-server.exe - and a miracle happened - this server is no longer hangs.

We believe that this is a bug sa-mp.

Now the server running as services Windows, steel hang every 5 minutes о_О, is associated with an increase in the number of running sa-mp servers so.
Please help as soon as possible, since because of this affects our clients and our reputation.


Hmm, something with the rights of that server maby? does it crash on connect.

try to run the server under linux.

This is not an option. We can not move to linux, even if this idea is very good.

And SYSTEM unfortunately does not look right on it and the system

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