[FilterScript] [FS] ۞ Administrator filterscript v1.3 ۞ (5.9.2007)

Administrator filterscript

* Credits:
* SA-MP Team (for all functions)
* DracoBlue (dcmd, dudb, dini, dutils,
* SystemMessage, SystemMessageToAll,
* PlayerName, IsNumeric,
* DAntiCheat from which i made ServerLog)
* Sacky (fsearch)
* ****** (ReturnUser)
* kyeman (spectate commands which i turned to dcmd)
* Simon (IsInvalidSkin)
* Cam (SendMessageToAdmins from which i made a little
* different one for this script)
* And all others if i forgot someone

/kick [playername] [reason]
This will kick the player with reason you will give

/ban [playername] [reason]
This will ban/block player name and save it to KickedNames.txt so he can't
join the server with that name anymore (Note: This won't ban player's ip)

/say [text]
Talk as admin, it will apear like Yourname: text

/banip [playername] [reason]
This will ban player's ip and save it to samp.ban

/unbanip [ip]
This will delete banned ip from samp.ban

/freeze [playername] [reason]
This will freeze player so he won't be able to move anymore

/unfreeze [playername] [reason]
Once you freezed someone, use this command to unfreeze him

/killplayer [playername] [reason]
Kill player you wan't by entering his name

/jail [playername] [reason]
Put player to prison

/unjail [playername] [reason]
If you jailed someone, use this to unjail him

* El0vric slaps [playername] [reason] around a bit with a large trout.
This will take 20 health from player

/mute[playername] [reason]
When you mute player he can't talk anymore

/unmute [playername] [reason]
Ue this to make play able to speak again

/explodeplayer [playername] [reason]
A little explosion for punishment is fun

/resetweapons [playername] [reason]
It will reset all weapons to player

This will restart current gamemode which is running on server in five

Sends text to all players

Lock the server and noone can join it then

Use this if you have locked the server

/specplayer [plyername]
Use this to start spetating someone

/specvehicle [vehicleid]
Use this to start spectating vehicles

Once you are spectating a player/vehicle use this to stop it

/settime [hour]
Set new time with this

/cs [skinid]
Change skin

/setweather [weatherid]
Set new weather

/setgravity [gravity]
Set new gravity

/whois [playername]
Show player's name, id and money for now

/skick [playername] [reason]
It will kick player silently so noone will know, at /kick everyone does

/sban [playername] [reason]
Silently bans playername (not ip)

/sbanip [playername] [reason]
Silently bans player ip

/sfreeze [playername] [reason]
Silently freezes the player

/sunfreeze [playername] [reason]
Silently unfreezes the player

/skillplayer [playername] [reason]
Silently kills the player

/sjail [playername] [reason]
Silently jails the player

/sunjail [playername] [reason]
Silently unjails the player

/sslap [playername] [reason]
Silently slaps the player

/smute [playername] [reason]
Silently mutes the player

/sunmute [playername] [reason]
Silently unmutes the player

/sexplodeplayer [playername] [reason]
Silently explodes the player

/sresetweapons [playername] [reason]
Silently resets all weapons of player

/createmoney [amount]
Create money

/deletemoney [amount]
Delete money

Silently restarts the current gamemode that server is running in 5

Silently locks the server

Silently unlocks the server

/report [playername] [reason]
Report will be sent to admins online

/changemode [gamemodename]
This will change server's gamemode, it's like /rcon changemode

This will reload samp.ban file and delete all banned ip's from it,
it's like /rcon reloadbans

This will reload server_log.txt and delete everything saved in it,
it's like /rcon reloadlog

With this you can see players name, id, ip and ping,
it's like /rcon players

/loadfs [filterscriptname]
Use this to load a filterscript to server from
folder called 'filterscripts', it's like /rcon loadfs

/unloadfs [filterscriptname]
Use this to unload a filterscript from server,
it's like /rcon unloadfs

/reloadfs [filterscriptname]
Use this to reload a filterscript on the server,
it's like /rcon reloadfs

۞ Download v1.0

۞ Download v1.1

۞ Download v1.2

۞ Download v1.3 - Latest version

۞ Mirror v1.3 by Numhaken
- Latest version

What's new in 1.1?
/specplayer [playername]
/specvehicle [vehicleid]
/settime [hour]
/whois [playername]

/flip command was removed as it's too abusive one

What's new in 1.2?
/report [playername] [reason]
/cs [skinid]
/setweather [weatherid]
/setgravity [gravity]
/createmoney [amount]
/deletemoney [amount]

What's new in 1.3?
/unbanip [ip]
/setgravity [gravity] can now use float numbers (eg: 0.00
/changemode [gamemodename]
/loadfs [filterscriptname]
/unloadfs [filterscriptname]
/reloadfs [filterscriptname]

If you find any bugs, please post them here and i will fix them.
Also if you have any idea what new command i can add post here, too.

I hope you like it, have fun with it!

Emilijo (Correlli)

Can you host it somewhere else Please. I Downloaded something from Rapidshare a while ago, gotta wait 170 minutes.

If you could, Thanks.

Originally Posted by BigJayMalcolm
Can you host it somewhere else Please. I Downloaded something from Rapidshare a while ago, gotta wait 170 minutes.

If you could, Thanks.
Sure, here it is.

Thanks. This sounds like better than my private admin FS.

Thank you.

I like it ! Good Nice Clean n Perfect ! I have only do 1 thing...changed colors ! Hope u dont mind.. ?

Thx anyway ! Keep Up the good work !

Originally Posted by {S}Borek
I like it ! Good Nice Clean n Perfect ! I have only do 1 thing...changed colors ! Hope u dont mind.. ?

Thx anyway ! Keep Up the good work !
Thanks, but about what colors are you talking about? About COLOR_SYSTEM which is used in SystemMessage ?

Cool ! I will use this

wow ! nice job

Thanks again, and {S}Borek you can change colors if you don't like it.

nice work tyvm

I updated the FS to 1.1, check first post.

i would download this if it had /giveallcash [CASHAMOUNT], /giveplayercash [name/id][amount]

plz add them it rox my sox

Originally Posted by hokins
i would download this if it had /giveallcash [CASHAMOUNT], /giveplayercash [name/id][amount]

plz add them it rox my sox
That's why i posted:

If you find any bugs, please post them here and i will fix them.
Also if you have any idea what new command i can add post here, too.

Post ideas/commands, and i'll add them in next version.

Originally Posted by Correlli
Originally Posted by hokins
i would download this if it had /giveallcash [CASHAMOUNT], /giveplayercash [name/id][amount]

plz add them it rox my sox
That's why i posted:

If you find any bugs, please post them here and i will fix them.
Also if you have any idea what new command i can add post here, too.

Post ideas/commands, and i'll add them in next version.
okay my suggestions:
/giveallcash [CASHAMOUNT] - you give cash to all players in server (good for fun servers like i have)
/giveplayercash [name/id][amount] - you give player cash (if he has been good player )
/goto [name/id] - you get teleported to player (if it can be done then make also /gotocar [name/id] then u wont lose your car which you are driving with)

i'll add more if i get more ideas :P
/gethere [name/id] - teleports player to you

Ok, i will think about commands. I don't wan't to have too much abusive ones.

Btw. i made mistake in ExplodePlayer(playerid, reason[])
with GetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, XPOS, YPOS, ZPOS); then i noticed mistake and replaced it with GetPlayerPos(playerid, XPOS, YPOS, ZPOS);

Re-download to get rid of bug or change it yourself.

Can you change ban command ? I need that that ip add to samp.bans , better make komand /banname (name) , add admin chat with // command add /reports command , this is very nice script

Originally Posted by ToMaZzZz
Can you change ban command ? I need that that ip add to samp.bans , better make komand /banname (name) , add admin chat with // command add /reports command , this is very nice script
But you have ip ban command, /banip [playername] [reason]

what about the PWN file? I dont see it nowhere...

Originally Posted by B-Powell
what about the PWN file? I dont see it nowhere...
You have it in the download package in the .zip format. Unzip it and you have the AdminFS.amx, AdminFS.pwn and scriptfiles. And also you have link in first page, at pastebin.ca

You didn't post a link to pastebin.ca or to a ZIP file...

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