Problem with cam

    case 0: //hacker
      if(job[playerid] != nojob)
			SendClientMessage(playerid,0xAA3333AA,"You already have a job type /stopjob to stop your job");
			else if(job[playerid] == nojob)
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, "You are a Hacker Your Commands Are /hack /stophack /sendfiles");
      job[playerid] = hacker;
			SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 671.0868,-519.5146,16.3359);
i have this code but if the player changes the cam the buidling wont load
so player choose hacker

than he gets an other cam before a building

but the building doesn't load properly how to fix this?

Default SA map also streams textures, so if player position is somewhere far from where camera is it won't load detailed textures. Set layer position somewhere near camera to make sure that textures load.

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