PLzzzz help me i wanna play

hi i was wondering if someone could help me with a problem. I have played GTA for almost 1 years now, and now when I started with gta sa-mp i could play sa-mp 1 time but then when I restart the game it doesent work. I have fixed sa-mp and installing the patch provided on this website and now I can not lira or gta sa gta sa-mp. and now I want to start playing regular gta sa but when I start it then the screen going white then you see the text quite blurry. sorry for my english

here's a picture plz help me!!

Did you try a fresh install?? Also try sifting through your registry and deleting every related to gta, also with explorer search?

i have been uninstalld it and installd it but when i have been istalld it its the same problem

use Revo Uninstaller to uninstall san andreas AND the registry files, then use CCleaner to fully remove the gta registry files and reinstall

I had the same problem.

Solution: I updated my video drivers.

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