28.10.2009, 15:15
Hello people,
I'm little bit confused about my problem. Well, I'm making information icons, with custompickups.
Thats the code I use:
In my CustomPickups function, which is called every milisecond.
When I enter the game, I see the pickups added with AddStaticPickup, but when i stand on them, i don't get the textdraw.
P.S. Coords are correct, TeleportTD is customized, TextDrawDelete timer deletes the textdraw after 10secs.
What I'm doing wrong?
I'm little bit confused about my problem. Well, I'm making information icons, with custompickups.
Thats the code I use:
pawn Код:
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,414.0852,2533.5596,16.5680))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Skraidymo mokyklos darbuotojai ismokys tave skraidyti~n~zinoma ~g~uz tam tikra mokesti~n~~w~dazniausiai juos rasi cia~n~arba ~b~ore");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-1394.6200,2648.8389,55.8596))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Policijos darbuotojai apsaugos tave ~r~nuo nusikaltimu~w~~n~Jie vazineja policijos masinomis~n~yra ~g~uniformuoti~w~");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-1519.7610,2519.4846,55.9124))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "~r~Ligonineje~w~visada sulauksi pagalbos~n~Noredamas iskviesti medikus, skambink numeriu~n~ ~y~911~w~");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-822.5196,1509.9460,20.0884))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Inkasatoriai pervezineja pinigus~n~is vieno miesto i kita~n~ju ~b~automobiliai~w~ yra sarvuoti");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-798.9730,1477.5612,21.1054))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Pastininkai isvezioja laiskus~n~po visus miestus~n~ju transportas - ~r~Faggio~w~ motoroleriai");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-1477.5009,2612.6836,58.7813))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Neturi vairavimo ar buriavimo licenziju? ~n~Susitik su intruktoriais, ir pradek savo pamokas~n~noredamas paziureti instruktorius~n~rasyk ~g~/licensers");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-797.6597,1553.2629,27.1172))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Vyriausybes pastate dirba meras~n~ir jo kolegos, cia vyksta kalbos~n~sprendziamos miesteliu problemos");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
else if (GetPlayerState(i) == 1 && PlayerToPoint(2.0, i,-769.6302,1608.6011,27.1172))
TextDrawSetString(TeleportTD, "Prireikus mechanikas visada~n~sutvarkys tavo ~y~automobili");
JustTeleported[i] = true;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, TeleportTD);
SetTimer("TextDrawDelete", 10000, 0);
When I enter the game, I see the pickups added with AddStaticPickup, but when i stand on them, i don't get the textdraw.
P.S. Coords are correct, TeleportTD is customized, TextDrawDelete timer deletes the textdraw after 10secs.
What I'm doing wrong?