27.10.2009, 19:18
I have a problem with INPUT dialog.
I made a opportunity to send private message if player click on another player name under TAB..
But if inputtext consist %s or %d , then server will make gamemode restart.
Is it possible to deny writeing " % " into INPUT dialog , if someone write it, then server will say incorrect message or something...
Please help
I have a problem with INPUT dialog.
I made a opportunity to send private message if player click on another player name under TAB..
But if inputtext consist %s or %d , then server will make gamemode restart.
if(strlen(inputtext)) { new sender[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new taker[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, sender, sizeof(name)); GetPlayerName(clicked[playerid], taker, sizeof(name)); format(string, sizeof(string), "->%s(ID: %d) Erasхnum: %s", sender, playerid, inputtext); SendClientMessage(clicked[playerid], COLOR_YELLOW, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "<-Erasхnum %s(ID: %d): %s", taker, clicked[playerid], inputtext); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); }
Please help