Compile a Plugin with MingW

I've just wanted to make a small plugin, so I've read some things, but i have problems to get them work.
First, i downloaded the invoke example and compiled it, which doesn't worked at all, because
MinGW told me some errors and stuff.

After I "fixed" (my C knowledge isn't very big) these errors, i got the DLL file.
So, i put the plugin into the server (which is running on a Windows XP computer), but then the server says:
Plugin does not conform to architecture.

My "fixed" version of the invokeexample (which compiles without errors and warnings):

The errors i got before i "fixed" them:

Compiling Environment:
Windows XP Home
MinGW Version 3.4.5 (mingw vista special)
IDE: Code::Blocks

I would be happy if you can help me

Hehe, I was trying to compile helloworld on CodeBlocks few weeks ago and got the same errors

To fix errors about __int64, size_t, etc. go to Project -> Build options -> Compiler Settings, #defines tab and add these defines:
With this you don't need to change anything in SDK files.

And about "Plugin does not conform to architecture." error.
First go to Project -> Properties -> Build Targets tab and select "Create .DEF exports file".
Then go to Build Options again but now you need Linker Settings tab, put this line to Other Linker Options:
-Wl,--kill-at --def=name_of_def_file.def // don't forget to change the name
Then build again.

If you don't have .def, build the project, then find def file and change its name in linker options.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for the good explanation!
I'll try it now


You're awesome! You've made my day
Oh, and i've uploaded the working example so others with the same problem can use it


So, the plugin is working, it can output data via logprintf and stuff, but i can't Invoke PAWN Functions.
PawnCommand does not find the function named "GetPlayerPos"?? (I've added a printf before the return to check that)

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