[Request] AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer

Originally Posted by dugi
AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer is removed in 0.3
Why it is not written here? : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=119892.0

About this, i think that AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer was a useful function for create nice projects, example:

[arrow on the player]

I want this function
Please Kye reset this function if is possible...

(sorry for my bad english)


Originally Posted by Seif_
They said AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer is removed, not AttachObjectToPlayer, which is used in the picture I suppose.
If I use AttachObjectToPlayer, the player with the arrow would not see well...
With AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer I can exclude this player.

AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer: is a useful function and should not be removed.

AttachObjectToPlayer: This function can not make the object invisible to a certain player

With AttachObjectToPlayer, the view sucks: when you move the mouse, the view goes away and comes in continuation...

This is the best position... gh

I have the same problem in my 2 game mode, use a streamer, and then use the AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer.
Each player has 2 / 3 object on his head, and so now no longer have the visual field.

So, support this request

Use 3D texts for things like narrows, looks better.

i have same problem, please add this function

3d text? for? I don't understand..

Originally Posted by Seif_
Originally Posted by $ЂЯĢ
Use 3D texts for things like narrows, looks better.
No? You can't make a huge shaded arrow with 3D text.
Yes you can't, but that arrow is nearly bigger than character, so it looks weird anyway.

And it was meant to be: Use 3D texts instead of things like narrows, looks better.

It would be nice to see a function like TogglePlayerObjective(playerid, toggle, color)

Something like this


But yeah, I used AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer and found it useful, but its not a big problem it being removed IMO

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