Car surfing in 0.3

Everytime im surfing on a car and the car goes down a small hill, my character just falls down to the side of the car standing in a straight figure.
it's really annoying when i'm trying to shoot someone from the top of a car. Why does it happen? and how can i stop it from happening?

i don't have fraps and my xfire doesn't work so i couldn't make a video, hope you understand what i mean

There is a new native function called GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID, so you can script that if Z coordinate falls dramaticly it would kick player of the vehicle.

Got it, thanks!!

Small hill ? Today I was so happy because of awesome improvement in vehicle surfing since RC4 times. I almost cant fall off . It looks almost like a bug but everyone on the server loves it. You stand on the car, driver does some spin using ramp and you keep standing on the car even after 360° spin xD . Really awesome.

Sry for double post.

We were doing osme further tests with vehicle surfing today.

If you surf on one vehicle and try to jump from one to another being driven by 3rd player ....
It takes some time till it actually assigns you new surfing vehicleID. I had ping 30, player who was driving the firts vehicle was ping 70 and 3rd one was NPC. Our vehicle rate is 30 (default 40) there were just us 2 online at the server. It took like 3 seconds till I stopped surfing his vehicle and switched to surfing NPCs vehicle (even though already being "above" npc vehicle out of 1st vehicle model.

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