ECKO Server Attacker 2

Part 2 Threats.

If a moderator is going to lock this post why because I have read the forum rules and it does not violate any terms.

Continuation from:

Threat 2...

[18:31:27] [SU]LolChickLea ( has not been found on the Sprunk Buster blacklist.
[18:31:34] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: wtff!!!!
[18:32:12] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: when i crashed i went back n it said i was banned n i was on sprunk buster O.o
[18:34:04] [join] [SU]BP13 has joined the server (2:
[18:34:12] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: BP
[18:34:19] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: eckos starting to piss me off
[18:34:25] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: when i crashed i went back n it said i was banned n i was on sprunk buster O.o .
[18:34:27] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: what lolchicklea
[18:34:40] [join] [SU]heavymetal1 has joined the server (8:
[18:34:40] [SU]heavymetal1 ( has not been found on the Sprunk Buster blacklist.
[18:34:41] [pm] [[SU]BP13 to [SU]LolChickLea]: its ecko ignore it
[18:34:41] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: WTFF!!!!
[18:35:00] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: n the crash made my computer shut down
[18:35:05] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: >.<
[18:35:26] [chat] [[SU]heavymetal1]: i couldnt get in for like 10 minutes
[18:35:37] [pm] [[SU]BP13 to [SU]heavymetal1]: ecko attacking server
[18:35:49] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: but it's hard 2 do that
[18:35:51] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: theres a reason im pming lolchicklea
[18:36:14] [pm] [[SU]BP13 to [SU]LolChickLea]: cause ecko could be in here
[18:36:16] [pm] [[SU]heavymetal1 to [SU]BP13]: ...i hate him
[18:36:58] [pm] [[SU]LolChickLea to [SU]BP13]: i kno who try aka'ing 1d 3/6
[18:37:04] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: it's 1 of em bp
[18:38:08] [pm] [[SU]BP13 to [SU]LolChickLea]: nop
[18:38:20] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: omg ip change maybe
[18:38:47] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: WOW
[18:39:30] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: no i havent
[18:39:38] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: U FUCKING SUCK
[18:39:42] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: what did i do?
[18:39:56] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: #whats she talking about (Admin chat)
[18:40:11] [pm] [[SU]BP13 to [SU]LolChickLea]: what are u talking about
[18:40:24] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: bp guess who i am
[18:40:29] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: who
[18:40:46] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: HI it's ecko u have just been puncked
[18:40:49] [chat] [[SU]heavymetal1]: shes ecko
[18:40:51] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: wait
[18:40:53] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: before u go
[18:40:58] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: can we talk
[18:41:02] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: guy to guy
[18:41:15] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: ?
[18:41:31] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: hell no it's fun killing the server and hacking lolchcik she's hott
[18:41:46] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: ok usually when someone attacks they have demands
[18:41:51] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: and you dont even have demands
[18:41:57] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: you just attack for no reason
[18:42:08] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: yea but i demand 2 kill u
[18:42:26] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: like seriously im sick today I have better things to do then focous on u runining the server
[18:42:41] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: did you see I removed all your things like you asked?
[18:42:51] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: and yet you haevt done what I asked
[18:43:09] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: ur a idiot even lolchick would be a better adminthan these stupid admins and ur the stupidest 1 of them all
[18:43:09] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: I keep my promises
[18:43:12] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: unlike you
[18:43:26] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: seriously what do you want ill do it for you
[18:43:57] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: okay soo what please ban the account im hacking i don't want lolchick here she messed up my pc with that via e mail she sent me
[18:43:58] [chat] [[SU]heavymetal1]: #caqn i say "stfu ecko ur a retard"? (admin Chat)[18:44:16] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: #ok (Admin Chat)
[18:44:28] [chat] [[SU]heavymetal1]: stfu ecko ur a retard!
[18:44:29] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: maybe its because your runing her favroite server?
[18:45:00] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: her favorite server no i love her i had sex with her u dumb ass
[18:45:04] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: f u!!!!
[18:45:11] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: when I dont like a server I dont attack it
[18:45:18] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: I handle the situation like a adult
[18:45:22] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: not like a child
[18:45:25] [chat] [[SU]heavymetal1]: f*ck you too b*tch!
[18:45:30] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: to bad
[18:45:36] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: again what do you want
[18:45:41] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: what will make you stop
[18:45:47] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: i will hack LolChick's account 4 some time now
[18:45:59] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: hack? you mean set your name to that on the server list?
[18:46:01] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: have fun while your server's still here
[18:46:01] [pm] [[SU]heavymetal1 to [SU]LolChickLea]: dick....
[18:46:10] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: its here to stay
[18:46:12] [part] [SU]LolChickLea has left the server (1:1)
[18:46:17] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: I have the IP
[18:46:42] [join] [SU]LolChickLea has joined the server (1:
[18:46:43] [SU]LolChickLea ( has not been found on the Sprunk Buster blacklist.
[18:46:45] [death] Ru1Ns died 255
[18:46:50] [chat] [[SU]LolChickLea]: omg bp wtf is wrong with my account!!!
[18:47:00] RCON (In-Game): Player [[SU]BP13] sent command: banip
[18:47:07] [chat] [[SU]BP13]: ok that IP is now banned'
[18:47:10] [part] [SU]LolChickLea has left the server (1:0)

Again what do you recommended? These Threats are real.

Wow! Ecko That is So Faggotish Of You to hack someones samp server because thats a server that [su] has had they worked on that script hard

Im ashamed to even call you ecko

Ecko - Retardo


and apperently the real lolchicklea was on vacation and ecko has been impersonating her for 2 weeks

o.O Wow Ecko is a Fag rlly Cuz people work on ther server's Hard and i hate it when someone ruins it for the scripters

yea i thought ecko was a good guy at first and what makes me laugh is he is a noob at scripting as well, as everything he was making i had to start for him he didnt know how to use variables, make commands, just the simple things well i stopped teaching him now and i will be having words with him as he is just being stupid and foolish he is acting like a 10 year old,(he is 16).

So true

Ask your host to block the attacks at the server level, there's nothing else you (or we) could do.

Originally Posted by RoBo
Ask your host to block the attacks at the server level, there's nothing else you (or we) could do.
i think he would of already tried that one

BP probly did that alrdy that's true

Originally Posted by RoBo
Ask your host to block the attacks at the server level, there's nothing else you (or we) could do.
ServerHex does not have this option. I checked the FFS control panel and I dident see a option for this either. I'm sure its there but I didn't see it. As for serverhex has no option. As seen in this demo here:

He also likes to change his IP often.

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