GetPlayerTeam / SetPlayerTeam issues?

Is anyone having issues with Get/Set PlayerTeam? Sometimes, they appear to not work for me, so I have to use another variable, can anyone confirm, or just me doing it wrong?

There are problems with them in 0.2, but in 0.3 it is fixed apparently. Let me find the bug link.

Well, as the wiki doesn't work and as I couldn't find anything yet about the GetPlayerTeam if its bugged or not, I am guessing it might be. Here is a topic which seems to have encountered problems with the teams too. If SetPlayerTeam and GetPlayerTeam don't work at the moment, just use a static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS] variable or anything similar and assign players their team there.

I use Get/SetPlayerTeam for friendly fire off though

Something does seem to be bugged with it. GetPlayerTeam had an issue with returning NO_TEAM in 0.2x, not sure if that was fixed, but in 0.3 team's seem to completely fail for me.

public OnFilterScriptInit()
  for(new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
    SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1);
Try loading that, and shooting other players :S

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