GameText - Hungarian characters


Sorry for my last topic.... not TextDraw... GameText
So, Kye, can you enable hungarian characters in GameText?
Its not impossible, i can write accents in gametext, but its hard, and i cant make convert function...

So, pls add these characters: нйбűőъцьу


Originally Posted by godknightx

Sorry for my last topic.... not TextDraw... GameText
So, Kye, can you enable hungarian characters in GameText?
Its not impossible, i can write accents in gametext, but its hard, and i cant make convert function...

So, pls add these characters: нйбűőъцьу

I think Kye cannot do that because GameText is part of the GTA: San Andreas code, that mean's you cannot change it with memory injection.
The reason Kye could add caracters to the main chat is because the main chat isn't coded by GTA SA but by SA-MP it's self.

Originally Posted by [NL
WackoX ]
Originally Posted by godknightx

Sorry for my last topic.... not TextDraw... GameText
So, Kye, can you enable hungarian characters in GameText?
Its not impossible, i can write accents in gametext, but its hard, and i cant make convert function...

So, pls add these characters: нйбűőъцьу

I think Kye cannot do that because GameText is part of the GTA: San Andreas code, that mean's you cannot change it with memory injection.
The reason Kye could add caracters to the main chat is because the main chat isn't coded by GTA SA but by SA-MP it's self.
But he can replace characters in GameTextForPlayer, not ?
I have these characters.

You pointed it out yourself, it's easily doable by writing an own function that handles your unique characters differently.
Just get someone do it for you

ps.: PM me if you are interested, I'd like to talk to you about something different.

Originally Posted by Harry_Gaill [
You pointed it out yourself, it's easily doable by writing an own function that handles your unique characters differently.
Just get someone do it for you

ps.: PM me if you are interested, I'd like to talk to you about something different.
I tried writing a convert function, but the server response is "Unknown Command"... :\


Originally Posted by 0rb

dont have "г" "х" "в" "к" etc. =(

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