Vehicles Don't Stream In OnPlayerRequestClass

topic says it all but i've tried and tried to spawn vehicles at the onplayerrequest class and it doesnt happen for my select screen i'm adding a hydra and tank behind the player both vehicles are set to virtual world 2 and players are also being set to virtual world 2 and still no luck the vehicles are not streaming until i spawn the only way i can get the vehicles to show on the spawn select screen is if i die near where the vehicles are and then go back to requestclass is this a sa-mp bug? or did sa-mp purposely stop vehicles from streaming until spawn?

It's not a bug, you are not supposed to see other players/vehicles on spawn selection screen.

wow thanks for the quick reply , but however is there any way i can get around this as it would look nicer with the two vehicles in the screen select

In OnPlayerRequestClass spawn player, freeze player, set player camera, made your own class selection.

that was going to be a last resort but i don't really wish to spawn the player and get rid of the gui select screen i guess i'll just have to live with no vehicles being there.

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