Ideas for my script?..

Well, I've been working the last few months on a script. It's about dog fights (like WW II dogfights with Rustlers Hunters and that shit) I imagine the script with 20-30 people wouldn't lag in most cases and would be very fun. I currently looking for some ideas to add, but don't make something to fantasious and uber hard to script..
I actually have armoury (buy guns), two teams with special maps, permissons you need permissons to drive Hunter & Hydra, premium users, admin system with the basic but most used commands (+20), restrincted areas, all by myself with help of SA-MP forums community, but I dont know what more to add.. Lol so any tips? :P

Air Traffic System ~ You will spawn in a nearby tower and you can use the radio to contact the pilot's about incoming enemy

Nuke ~ Nuke will destroy anyone in a distance , But will only be dropped on the ship[Enemy Ship]

i think you can make contract system for pilots kinda destroyin ordered player plane

Nuke should be only for golden users to stop abusing, and ATC won't be added due the year where the game is based + it's too complicated. It's a TDM with dogfights, not a flying server!

Right , How about spies? In the old days there was spies aswell as up to today , Just more advanced.
A spy should be allowed to play as a normal team but have the name color of the enemy team and he will then use a plane to destroy the enemy team.

And can you post all the idea's you have so far =)

Originally Posted by LuxurioN
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Right , How about spies? In the old days there was spies aswell as up to today , Just more advanced.
A spy should be allowed to play as a normal team but have the name color of the enemy team and he will then use a plane to destroy the enemy team.

And can you post all the idea's you have so far =)
Wow.. that's a smart one, thank's I think I'll work on it. It should show a tag saying 'Spy' only for teammates.

also you can make bomb drop system for plane if not i can make it)

Not sure about that Spy tag because they wont know that hes in the plane if the server was more RPish then DMish

If it is more DM-ish then it should be Added =D

It's more DMish, lol.

Makaveli, good idea, I'll try to add it

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