Timer!! Sleepy at time :P

i did killtimer when disconnect and when he spawn all timers work so i want.... to do
pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) == ??) 
and i have 14 levels so which lvls in if(GetPlayerScore(playerid == ??) (1-14) shall i put? so if he's already passed lvl 1 this timer doesnt count again even if discconect and reloged i dont want it to count any scoretimer if he passed this lvl or even go to the timer before it :P please help!

sry for double post but forgot to add... this is ScoreTimer1 for score lvl 1

sry for another post But can someone response 20 VIEWS!!!!!

Not sure what you want.
pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > 1 && GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 14)

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