[GameMode] [GM]ZSumo Server v1.0 | 9 Rings | Ring Voting System |

[GM]ZSumo Server v1.0 (FIRST OLD VERSION)


..:: NEW VERSION's topic ::..

This is the forst version of my Sumo Server

ITA: leggete il file "leggimi" per le informazioni sulla GM.
ENG: read file "readme" for GameMode informations.

This is a Gamemode which has been created for a SUMO game by Vehicles.
You can't play without being in a vehicle or server will kill you.

*** Opening server:
When you open the server you'll see 4 Items:
- Loaded Ring
- Language
- Weather ID
- World Time
You can modify them only modifying the file "SumoConfig.ini" in folder "Scriptfiles/System"
The "Loaded Ring" shows the Ring which the server has chosen.
There are 9 RINGS in the Gamemode:
- LS Airport
- Mini Stunt
- Chiliad
- Lake
- SF Airport
- Area51
- LS Building 1
- LS Building 2
- Stadium.

*** How to play:
When you JOIN in server you don't have to choose a skin because
server will set you one.
When server spanws you in the RING you will be put automatically in
a Vehicle and every second you'll earn 1 SCORE.
The OBJECTIVE is: Survive more time than you can.
When you're spawned your nickname is in colour GREEN.
When you have 200 scores Nickname becomes YELLOW
When you have 400 scores Nickname becomes RED
When you have 500 scores Nickname becomes BLUE and you WIN THE GAME!!!!

When a player wins Server will show to ALL PLAYERS the list of the
9 RINGS to VOTE. After voting server will choose the MOST VOTED ring
for next ROUND.

*** Player Commands:
If you want to see all AVIABLE PLAYER COMMANDS you have to type the command /cmd
Other commands for players are: /info /rules /kill /ringcam /return /admins /report /pm
And also there are the commands for REGISTRATION: /register /login /logout /changepass

*** How to be ADMIN:
If You are the owner of the server you have to do 3 things:
- Login as RCON ADMIN ==> /rcon login [password]
- Register an account ==> /register [password]
- Type the command which makes you GOD ADMIN ==> /makemegodadmin
Now you are admin level 10! (maximum).

*** How to make someone admin:
If you want to make someone admin you have to let him REGISTER with
/register [password] and then you use the following command: /makeadmin [id] [level]

*** Admin commands:
If you want to know the abiable admin commands you have to type this command:
/acmd and you'll see ALL COMMANDS for admins.

*** How to Modify admin command levels:
If you want to change the admin level for an admin comand you have only to
open the following folder: "Scriptfiles/System/config" and open the file "CmdsLevels.ini"
and you'll see all admin commands with their level.


P.S: When you modify "server.cfg" You don't have to modify "mapname" because it will
have the name of the LOADED RING where you'll play in.


Testing it out now.

Very cool, good job

Good job.

Thanks guys. If you find some bugs...tell me them here in this Page.

Good job

did u edit SumoFFS or u started from 0 ?

Start from 0, man!

I've found 1 bug and i'm trying to fix it. When i'll fix it I'll change the DOWNLOAD and GM will be again in this PAGE.

Great Job dude!

Good job man, exactly like a server I use to play

Good gamemode, this is like 3rd Sumo GM released here.But, i noticed one bug:

Dude, i checked it, but not in a server, own host, it says it is 0,3b and i got samp 0.3c how can i upgrade it?


Originally Posted by FeniX70
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Dude, i checked it, but not in a server, own host, it says it is 0,3b and i got samp 0.3c how can i upgrade it?

It's simple to change it in 0.3c. You have to Change 3 files: samp-server.exe, announce.exe and samp-npc.exe.
Then i suggest you to REconvert GM with 0.3c pawno version.

About the "standing" bug...I don't know how to fix it. I've tryed but...nothing. If someone knows how to fix it...tell me how. Thanks.

Create v1.1, with cool maps not worsts like this only stadium pwns ther

Originally Posted by Samo70
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Create v1.1, with cool maps not worsts like this only stadium pwns ther
Next version will have also an anticheat. I'm working to make an Anti Speed Hack, Teleport hack and also airbreack. I'll make it in next version. TextDraw graphic will be better.

I'm making the new version.
fixed bugs:
- "standing" in vehicle
- score player winning
- bad spawning.

New version will be 1.1

Ciao zuc xD comunque lo sai che per me questo server sumo и fantastico

good work man

Originally Posted by Lor3nzth3b3st96
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Ciao zuc xD comunque lo sai che per me questo server sumo и fantastico
Grazie 1000! comunque in questo link c'и la prima versione (che ha anche dei bugs). quella che hai visto и la futura 1.1

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