Level system, reserved vehicles, ...

Hello, im actually creating my own gamemod (started at 0) but i really dont know how to create certain system like:
-a payday which gives a certain amount of money every hours (that amount could be changed if the player is in a faction, or smthing else... with an experience point system assiocated: every hour, the player gain one experience point, and also a level system with that experience points (like every RP servers)
-how to make vehicles accessible only for a faction/group

Sorry for my bad english, im french...
By the way, if you can use as many simple words as you can, it would really help me!
Thank you,


// Top of script

new CurrentSession[ MAX_PLAYERS ] // Create an array which keeps track of how many seconds the player has been on the server.

forward PayDay( ); // Forwarding the payday function.
forward ThreeSecondTimer( ); // Forwarding the session increment function.

// OnGameModeInit

SetTimer( "PayDay", 1800000, true ); // Setting the payday timer for 30 minutes.
SetTimer( "ThreeSecondTimer", 3000, true ); // Setting the session timer for 3 seconds.

// OnPlayerConnect

CurrentSession[ playerid ] = 0; // When a new player connects, their session time should be 0.

// Outside callbacks

public ThreeSecondTimer( )
    for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) // Can be substituted with foreach (Recommended)
        if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) // If the player is connected
            CurrentSession[ i ] += 3; // Add 3 to their seconds connected.
    return 1;

public PayDay( )
    for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) // Can be substituted with foreach (Recommended)
        if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) // If the player is connected
            if( CurrentSession[ i ] >= 900 ) // If the player has been connected for at least 15 minutes.
                GivePlayerMoney( i, 5000 ); // Give the player money
                SendClientMessage( i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Server: You haven't played long enough!" ); // The player has not            been connected for at least 15 minutes.
            CurrentSession[ i ] = 0; // Reset the session.
    return 1;

or this

SetTimerEx("payday", time, true, "d", playerid);//time has to be defined
public payday(playerid)
     GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "PAYDAY!!!", 10000, 3);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, YOUR_COLOR_HERE, "YOUR MESSAGE");
     GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5000);// or whatever you want
     return 1;

Originally Posted by Crime Life ROLEPLAY
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// Top of script

new CurrentSession[ MAX_PLAYERS ] // Create an array which keeps track of how many seconds the player has been on the server.

forward PayDay( ); // Forwarding the payday function.
forward ThreeSecondTimer( ); // Forwarding the session increment function.

// OnGameModeInit

SetTimer( "PayDay", 1800000, true ); // Setting the payday timer for 30 minutes.
SetTimer( "ThreeSecondTimer", 3000, true ); // Setting the session timer for 3 seconds.

// OnPlayerConnect

CurrentSession[ playerid ] = 0; // When a new player connects, their session time should be 0.

// Outside callbacks

public ThreeSecondTimer( )
    for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) // Can be substituted with foreach (Recommended)
        if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) // If the player is connected
            CurrentSession[ i ] += 3; // Add 3 to their seconds connected.
    return 1;

public PayDay( )
    for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) // Can be substituted with foreach (Recommended)
        if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) // If the player is connected
            if( CurrentSession[ i ] >= 900 ) // If the player has been connected for at least 15 minutes.
                GivePlayerMoney( i, 5000 ); // Give the player money
                SendClientMessage( i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Server: You haven't played long enough!" ); // The player has not            been connected for at least 15 minutes.
            CurrentSession[ i ] = 0; // Reset the session.
    return 1;

or this

SetTimerEx("payday", time, true, "d", playerid);//time has to be defined
public payday(playerid)
     GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "PAYDAY!!!", 10000, 3);
     SendClientMessage(playerid, YOUR_COLOR_HERE, "YOUR MESSAGE");
     GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5000);// or whatever you want
     return 1;
Gee, some of that code looks familiar.

Well if I had to make a payday system that paid per hour, I would have a constant timer checking the time to make sure it's not just paying per hour, but paying ON the hour.

pawn Код:
forward TimeUpdate();
public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("TimeUpdate",60000,1); //every minute
    return 1;
public TimeUpdate()
    new hh,mm,ss;
        for(new playerid;playerid<MAX_PLAYERS;playerid++)
        new string[64];
        format(string,64,"The time is now %d:00, enjoy your payday!",hh);

For faction only vehicles, you'll have to have a faction system already created, most (if not all) faction systems go by predefined factions with integers as IDs. I personally would much rather use strings to define the factions that way you can create one without having to establish it (just make a code concerning it)

pawn Код:
new pFactionRank[MAX_PLAYERS];
new vFactionRank[MAX_VEHICLES];

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
        if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return 0;
        if(!cmdtext[13])return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"USAGE: /SetFaction [playerid] [FullFactionName]");
        new space=strfind(cmdtext," ",true,13);
        if((space==-1)||!cmdtext[space+1])return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"USAGE: /SetFaction [playerid] [FullFactionName]");
        new player=strval(cmdtext[13]);
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(player))return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"Player Not Found");
        new tmp[32];
        format(tmp,32,"Player %d set to faction \"%s\"",player,cmdtext[space]);
        return 1;

        if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return 0;
        if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You are not in a vehicle!");
        if(!cmdtext[20])return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"USAGE: /SetVehicleFaction [FullFactionName]");
        new tmp[32];
        format(tmp,32,"Vehicle %d set to faction \"%s\"",GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),cmdtext[20]);
        return 1;
    return 0;

//Lock vehicles that have a faction name against players who don't match factions
public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid,forplayerid)
This is kind of a REALLY mini faction script

None of this code has been tested or compiled

Thank you guys for answering!
I've already made a faction system with IDs.
Silent, even if your faction system looks great, i'd prefer to use my own system with IDs, any ideas i can make vehicles faction with that system?

Is it possible, with these payday scripts, to make amount of money like a variable which i can modify, for example if a player gain money by doing a job, it hads that money plus basic payday?

Moreover, i saw many great houses system, but im looking for the way to create pickups that bring the player to a special interior, like LSPD, hospital...

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