Release my script (Roleplay from scratch)?

Im wondering if I should release my script.. it has a lot of features which I will list below

Dynamic Housing
/buyhouse (ATM, adding /addgun /getgun up to 5 gun slots)

Admins: /createhouse
It will pop up an dialog with 2 buttons "Exterior" and "Interior" you must click "Exterior" then /gotoint2 and type it again, and then click Interior, and it will be made.

Dynamic Places
Admins may /createplace and it will pop up with a similar dialog to the house systems.. Places are just enterable and exitable interiors, and have names, they may be for certain factions to enter only.... which a dialog pops up after the exterior / interior one and will have it saying "If you would like this place to be for a faction, please enter a faction ID now."

Dynamic Pickups
Dynamic Pickups are pickups that can be made in game, and have "TYPES", an admin may do /pickuptype and the params for that are /pickuptpye [type]
At the moment there are 3 types..
1 (24/7 /buy) 2 (Mechanic /buy (Explained later on) ) and 3 (/buyclothes)

Mechanic Job System
Mechanics must buy nitros and then they may use it. They will run out of Nitros.. if they don't buy enough.
Mechanics also have to buy Car Parts to do /fix.. which are $400

Realistic Economy
I was thinking and thought about the fact that people don't have that realistic of economys .. and I don't havgge levels. So I thought about real life, In real life, the ammount of hours you work, is the ammount of money you get paid ish.. So for every hour the player is on, they get $50... so .. say the player had 4 hours of playing and they just got their 5th.. they would get 5*50 (500) dollars. 2 Hours ( 100 dollars) ect..

Dynamic Cars
There are 3 types of cars, For Sale, Civilian and Faction, which are all made with one command..
/makecar [ForSale(0/1)] [Price(0 if not for sale.)] [model] [color1] [color2] [faction(0 for none.)]
It its for sale and you would want a price of 4000 dollars, you would do this.
/makecar 1 4000 560 1 1 0 (This would make a sultan, black one. )
Say you wanted faction 1 to have a black sultan
/makecar 0 0 560 0 0 1
And say you wanted a civilian car..
/makecar 0 0 560 0 0 0

Dynamic Points
My script has points, which are things gang will fight over, and who ever captures the point, will get how ever much money the point is worth (Admin Set).. once they capture it, It takes 10 minutes to capture.

Dynamic Factions
Admins can do /createfaction [name]
This will create a faction with the name and their spawn will be put were the player is (Currently bugged need to use /factionspawn)

Although, later on there will be a system where your person goes into the hospital.

Death System
When you are killed, you are put on the ground, in a animation where you have your hand over your heart. Your health is frozen, and if you are shot you will be instantly killed.

Hitmen System
Hitmen have an HQ with a /order ... admins can set the /order point with /setorder (1337+)
They have 3 packages, which all come with kevlar, and food (HEALTH)
The third comes with 2 bombs.. the hitmen can do /plantbomb and then /detonate .. it will complete the hit if the the hit is with in 10.0 range of the bomb.

Admins can /sethitmen [Faction ID] and that will set the faction to hitmen.

PD System
Admins can /setpd [Faction ID] and that will grant anyone in the faction PD Commands....
PD have a locker in the custom mapped interior with a /lspd
It will open up a dialog with 3 options
Weapons,Duty, and going undercover.

Cellphone System
People can /buy at a 24/7 and buy a Cellphone.. They can /call or /txt someone.....
Simple as that.

Yes then i will use it, and do u have a test server?

Release it brother!

No - i've seen how you script before and its terrible. We don't need another poorly scripted gamemode

Originally Posted by armyoftwo
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No - i've seen how you script before and its terrible. We don't need another poorly scripted gamemode
What he said.

Honestly, i would like to personally check out your dynamic factions and cars. If you decide not to release i wouldnt mine a lil private version coming my way xd

Updated, more features..

Originally Posted by Farid
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Yes then i will use it, and do u have a test server?
Yah, Add my msn.

1337connor... You're that host guy, aren't you?
Well, release the script. Might be helpfull for others.

Release it if you want, Nobody is forcing you to , or to dont release it, you dotn have to ask,
good luck

Cellphone system added.

20 votes for yes, 8 more then no, guess your releasing lol

release it! release it! release it!

Release it or I will force you

yeah , cuz godfather is totally abused


do what y'ar mind says man!

Originally Posted by Anthonyx3'
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20 votes for yes, 8 more then no, guess your releasing lol
Yup. It's almost finished. xD

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