[Map] Funny Robot

hi raga I have created this robot with all the sticks, ihihhiih

CreateObject(1319, 2871.9938964844, -1993.9482421875, 10.655242919922, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.9931640625, -1993.9482421875, 11.655250549316, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.9812011719, -1993.9403076172, 13.555271148682, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.5366210938, -1993.9404296875, 10.080278396606, 88, 0, 89.999969482422);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.5004882813, -1993.3898925781, 10.080278396606, 87.994995117188, 0, 89.994506835938);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0146484375, -1993.3977050781, 10.655242919922, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0146484375, -1993.3974609375, 11.680238723755, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0146484375, -1993.3974609375, 12.680238723755, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0146484375, -1993.3974609375, 13.555240631104, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0046386719, -1993.634765625, 14.055278778076, 0, 90, 89.999938964844);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0146484375, -1993.3974609375, 14.505237579346, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0090332031, -1993.9730224609, 14.505237579346, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.98046875, -1993.939453125, 12.705284118652, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.9853515625, -1993.6884765625, 14.955284118652, 0, 90, 89.994506835938);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.5625, -1994.1693115234, 14.90523147583, 274, 180, 292);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.4975585938, -1993.2116699219, 14.90523147583, 273.9990234375, 179.99450683594, 251.99462890625);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0336914063, -1993.9873046875, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0229492188, -1993.837890625, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.9907226563, -1993.7354736328, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0070800781, -1993.6137695313, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2871.9982910156, -1993.4887695313, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.0126953125, -1993.3372802734, 15.230276107788, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1862, 2871.8112792969, -1993.4476318359, 15.454895973206, 358.34191894531, 281.88647460938, 356.17260742188);
	CreateObject(1862, 2871.84375, -1993.8706054688, 15.454895973206, 358.34191894531, 281.88653564453, 356.17260742188);
	CreateObject(1862, 2871.8205566406, -1993.6474609375, 15.154892921448, 358.34106445313, 281.88171386719, 356.17126464844);
	CreateObject(3106, 2871.7590332031, -1993.4274902344, 15.459511756897, 0, 280, 350);
	CreateObject(3106, 2871.8410644531, -1993.8756103516, 15.434512138367, 0, 280, 350);
	CreateObject(860, 2871.8676757813, -1993.654296875, 15.574459075928, 0, 0, 0);
	CreateObject(1319, 2872.00390625, -1993.634765625, 12.505283355713, 0, 90, 89.994506835938);
	CreateObject(2750, 2871.0107421875, -1993.0659179688, 14.859091758728, 0, 0, 170);
	CreateObject(2750, 2871.0981445313, -1994.3411865234, 14.859091758728, 0, 0, 179.99694824219);
	CreateObject(2045, 2871.6877441406, -1993.6489257813, 12.520998001099, 0, 0, 90);
	CreateObject(1976, 2871.3171386719, -1992.6802978516, 11.111775398254, 1.9996948242188, 358.99938964844, 271.78494262695);
	CreateObject(1975, 2871.3659667969, -1994.8337402344, 11.097327232361, 0, 0, 272);

easy and nice gj

4/10 That's not a robot -.-

It would be very funny if you place the robot on a long narrow road then type /activate (which will move the robot's position ahead by 2 every second).

It actually is a robot Jake, it's just that the legs make it look weird, overall I'd rate it a:


------------------| Legend | ---------------------
Red 2-4 (Crappy)
Yellow 6-8 (Nice)
Green: 9-10 (Overwhelming)

Not bad. :P


Very nice

It's not the same as the one on pic, I used it, it has a BIG d*ck lol, and it's pink XD.


Originally Posted by Matej_
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enough said.

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