[FS] Won't Load

When I run the server-samp.exe thing to start up a server, I was going to look at my progress so far on my [FS]. Well, when I put in the name of my [FS] it would say in the black box that it had loaded the [FS]. When I enter the server and try to do the commands none of them work. When I try typing a command it just closes the box.

Any help please?

Umm, are you using plugin functions in the FS and maybe you forgot to load it? Or post some of the cmds, or the OnPlayerCommandText


/rcon loadfs [fsname]

And post the result here.

I wait.

When I try to do any command it just deletes.

And No, I don't have any commands. I am half way through the FS so only command I have done is /dm1 /dm2 /dms..-.- But I did make a huge menu O.o...

Happend in my pilot server.
There is something wrong in the script. Even tho there are no errors/warnings showing up.

Oh no! I spent forever working on this! ... Do you know any possible problem where it could do this in the script? Would you be willing to look over to see? Because personally, I see nothing wrong in it to cause this to happen..

Pls help!

...You FS did compile without errors/warnings?

Phresh this happened before let me go look into it and ill get back with you.

well if it is in the code a way (just a suggestion) is to go through the whole script and put prints after each line like

pawn Код:
if(dsmdn == 0)

What effect will that do? Like I'm not even half way through and I have over 1000 lines.

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