SA-MP Frequently Asked Questions

SA-MP Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get my forum name changed?
No, you cannot change your forum name.

I have my SA-MP server working, but my friends can't see it, why?
This is a common question asked throughout the forums on a regular basis. Basically you need to forward your ports. You can find the most comprehensive guides here:

I join many servers but they ask me to login, how do I do this?
The problem with answering this straight up, is any server can have any system it wants. So it may be /register or /ns register, there are unlimited possibilities. You should either type /help or ask on the server if you can, if all fails, go to their website.

How can I make a server?
In terms of actually starting up a server, you need to download a server package from here, then run the samp-server.exe in the package.

I downloaded the server package but the second I start samp-server.exe a black window pops up and closes
This can be caused by a few things, the best place to get the answer to the issue is your server_log.txt. Two of the most common reasons are to do with a misconfiguration in the server.cfg file. Check that you have changed your RCON password and that the gamemode you have typed in exists in your gamemodes folder.

How do I add a server to my favourites?
Use this image to help you

When will a new SA-MP version be out?
Nobody knows, development is a process that takes time and testing. You will often find that release candidates are released on the forums prior to the official release for public testing reasons. Other than that, you'll just need to be patient.

How do I script in SA-MP?
Scripting requires time and patience, if you do not have either then I suggest you don't bother. If you do, download the server package from here. Once you have it, open up the pawno folder, then open pawno.exe and that's your SA-MP script editor. You use it to edit any scripts you make/download. Further help can be found on the SA-MP Wiki.

What language does SA-MP use for scripts?
[i]SA-MP uses the PAWN language, you can read more about PAWN on the official CompuPhase page here.

How can I make maps for SA-MP
There are many ways to do this, the easiest way is to head on over to the script showroom in these forums and pick up a copy of the map editor by JernejL.

I found a bug in SA-MP, what do I do?
Unless it has already been posted in the Bug Report section of this forum, post it there. But make sure it's not a script related bug. It should be a problem with SA-MP itself, examples can be found in the Bug Report section.

What are the maximum player slots of an SA-MP server?
500 is the maximum amount of slots a server can have at the moment. Slots will be removed when adding NPCs to the server, they do not count towards player count.

What's new in the new SA-MP version?
Read the news on for more information or in the News section of the forums, everything you need to know is there.

Is there a GTA:SA 3.0?
Yes, that is the Steam/digital distribution version, it is currently incompatible with SA-MP.

I Have a problem with my server or pawno in Windows: Vista or Windows 7, what do I do?
This is probably a permission problem, make sure you're running the program as an administrator, also try running it in different compatibility mode, to do this, go to the compatibility tab of the properties of the file.

Do you need to have GTA:SA open to join an SA-MP server?
No, simply open the browser and connect to a server, it will start GTA: San Andreas for you.

Do you need to complete the game to play SA-MP?

I got banned from a server, how do I get unbanned?
Find out the servers website and they may have a ban appeal section. If they don't accept your ban, or don't even have a place to appeal, there's nothing that we can do on the SA-MP forums. It's completely up to the owner of that server, and their administration team.

Someone offered me free hosting for my server, should I accept?
This is NOT recommended, one reason for this is that they just want to steal your script, even if you only provide the .amx don't trust them. Now while some free hosts may be trustworthy and will offer decent free hosting, there is almost always a catch, I personally recommend paying for one. Paying for one from a legitimate provider will allow you to avoid as much hassle as possible.

After 3 minutes of waiting the game doesn't start?
The reason for this is completely uncertain, but most likely due to human error, check if it works in single-player first, and if it does, make sure it's version 1.0. Further than that all I can say is re-install San Andreas.

Do you need a certain ping to play?
You don't need a certain ping, but a lower one is preferable. If you have a lower ping your gaming experience will be more streamlined, if you have a higher than average ping(140-180 average) then you will not have as good an experience. Now the reasons for high ping can be anything, it can be the server itself, but usually it's due to you living too far from the server.

Can you make an SA-MP server off of web-hosting?
If you have shell access to the server you can, but that does not mean it's legal by your web-host's Terms of Service to run other servers off of it.

In order to run SA-MP does running the patch to downgrade SA from v2.00 to v1.00 have any adverse effects on the single player game? I just worry that I may compromise the solid performance/structure/code of the original game, which I most certainly do not wish to do.
Well since it's downgrading to a lower version then it will probably undo some fixed bugs that came with 2.0. If you have a problem with some bugs in 1.0 which the 2.0 patch fixes, you can always download the patch and use it for when you want to play single-player. Other than that there are no apparent performance or stability issues with 1.0.

What is this "Hosted" tab in my SA-MP client?
This is a list of servers which have paid for a premium slot on the list, they do not gain any other privileges other than that.

How do I get my server on this "Hosted" tab?
You can put your server on the hosted list by going to says that there are no slots left on the list!
You will have to wait until they become available.

Was the official tab listing removed in a recent update purposely?

How do I make my server online 24/7?
Well that's simple, you run the software 24/7. Yes, that's how servers work, it is a transfer of data across a network, and it requires the server to be running and connected to the internet, if either of these fail, everyone connected to the server will no longer receive data from it, therefore the server is "down". So that means everyone who runs a server has their PC online 24/7? No, it does not, they most likely pay for game-server hosting, where a company rents dedicated servers, which are just PC's in a data-center that have a powerful internet connection, and are online at all times. This however, is not free, and will cost money, please consult the Server Support section for information on server hosts.


Feel free to ask more questions!

Q: What is sa-mp?

Q: Where to download sa-mp?

Q: Does sa-mp work with GTA:SA 1.1 2.x 3.x?
- SA-MP requires GTA San Andreas v1.0 US or EU PC DVD version.
- Version 2.0 of the DVD version can be downgraded using a 3rd party patch.
- The Steam and Direct2Drive versions are not supported and can not be downgraded.
- If you want to know how to make sa-mp work with Steam send a PM to dugi

Q: Howto forward my ports?

Q: My sa-mp does not work on Windows Vista?

Q: Sometimes I loose my sound, how to fix this?

Q: Howto decide weather a player is a cheater?

Q: How do I login as RCON on my server?
A: /rcon login password

Q: What are the RCON commands?

is there a GTA Sa 3.0 ?

Originally Posted by Herbis
is there a GTA Sa 3.0 ?
yes that's steam version


Go to a shop and buy it.


Originally Posted by WeeDarr
Go to a shop and buy it.

Downloading it is also legal in some circumstances.

Do I need to have gta open wen im on sa:mp looking for a server

Also when i try to join a server it doesnt join it


Originally Posted by chaz70
Do I need to have gta open wen im on sa:mp looking for a server

Also when i try to join a server it doesnt join it

no just browse a server,then dubble click on it,then will gta sa open with sa-mp

Do i need to complete the game first?

Originally Posted by chaz70
Do i need to complete the game first?

After about 3 mins of waiting it still doesnt start

(San andreas doesnt even open)

Does the ping need to get to a certain number?

Someone plz help

Originally Posted by chaz70
Someone plz help
Trying to bump a stickied topic? Heh.

Help plz

Q. I Have a problem with my server or pawno in Windows: Vista, what do I do?
A. Take a look at this thread:


Added some questions, and Sneaky I hope you don't mind me leaving yours since its the 2nd post its like its part of the 1st post anyway

Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
Added some questions, and Sneaky I hope you don't mind me leaving yours since its the 2nd post its like its part of the 1st post anyway
Yo no problem, I think this topic should contains FAQ's only and no reply's and other posts.

Originally Posted by chaz70
After about 3 mins of waiting it still doesnt start

(San andreas doesnt even open)

Does the ping need to get to a certain number?
Have you installed it to the correct place? And is it a downloaded version of GTA:SA cos if it is go buy the game

When i try to connect to a server it asks for a RCON password what is this?

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