NPC HELP (native samp one)

Hey everyone, i was making a script and was wondering, i made a PlayerRuntopoint function but we tried using it on a npc and it fails, it basicly dont run at all... The npc stays at the same position and applys an running animation, anyway of preventing this?


I'm pretty sure native samp npc's can only follow the recording they are associated with, or not move at all.

Well is there anyway to move them? without the record file maybe?

I havn't tried SetPlayerPos on an npc, but it should work in theory.

I've tried to get a npc to me by a command and it fails. There has to be a way of removing the record file and spawning the npc without it, mark me if im incorrect.

Just remove this from the npcfile
pawn Код:
public OnNPCspawn()
     StartRecordingPlayback ( RECORDING_TYPE, FILE );
I tried other ways to load an npc without a recording, for example using RECORDING_TYPE_NONE, but that caused problems for me. It might work for you though.


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