Streamer plugin wont work with RC5

Hey, well my server wont run on the RC5 update, because the streamer wont load
can anyone help?

I got something similar, it will load the objects, but it will do it pretty slowly. For example when driving with a car it looks like theres nothing, but when you reach the object(verrrry close), it will finnaly load it... I had same problem with RC4.

EDIT: Offtopic, but just noticed your nickname. Au & Triple X

The servers on but it wont show the ping on the client, and I cant even connect

Post the server log...

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c RC5, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[21:21:10] password = "" (string)
[21:21:10] Server Plugins
[21:21:10] --------------
[21:21:10] Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v1.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[21:21:10] Loaded.
[21:21:10] Loaded 1 plugins.

[21:21:10] Ban list
[21:21:10] --------
[21:21:10] Loaded: samp.ban
[21:21:10] Filter Scripts
[21:21:10] ---------------
[21:21:10] Loading filter script 'object.amx'...
[21:21:10] InGame Object Editor by tocco
[21:21:10] --------------------------------------

[21:21:10] Loaded 1 filter scripts.

[21:21:10] foreach called
[21:21:11] Default Weather: 0

I got it to load the but the server still wont work

maybe, we should wait for Incognito to upgrate the streamer, or SA-MP Team to help him with these changes...

im gonna try reinstall everything see if it works

It just stops at Foreach called

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