Can someone help me?

If left alt is KEY_FIRE
what is the number one? like KEY_?
(not numpad)

Here is a list of pre-defined key ID's from the a_samp include that comes with the server package.

pawn Код:
// Keys
#define KEY_ACTION              (1)
#define KEY_CROUCH              (2)
#define KEY_FIRE                (4)
#define KEY_SPRINT              (8)
#define KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK    (16)
#define KEY_JUMP                (32)
#define KEY_LOOK_RIGHT          (64)
#define KEY_HANDBRAKE           (128)
#define KEY_LOOK_LEFT           (256)
#define KEY_SUBMISSION          (512)
#define KEY_LOOK_BEHIND         (512)
#define KEY_WALK                (1024)
#define KEY_ANALOG_UP           (2048)
#define KEY_ANALOG_DOWN         (4096)
#define KEY_ANALOG_LEFT         (8192)
#define KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT        (16384)

#define KEY_UP                  (-128)
#define KEY_DOWN                (128)
#define KEY_LEFT                (-128)
#define KEY_RIGHT               (128)

What do the numbers in brackets mean?

Those are the ID's of the keys.

Each key in-game has a unique ID, for KEY_FIRE, which by default San Andreas keymap setup is MOUSE1 or CTRL, the ID is 4.

You cannot detect keys which are not used in the San Andreas key configuration.

Thanks man

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