I need your suggestion.

Hello. I want to cut my previous script because I was going to edit LA-RP, but I changed my mind, because nobody likes edited scripts.
I am going to try my luck in a script made of a scratch, something with street gangs, real ones, and the atmosphere to be when CJ just arrived to Los Santos, but each would RP their gang.
What do you suggest? Should I start?

Come on.. Tell me should I start?

Uhm, Really its upto, But CJ arriving from Los Santos, and everyone RP-ing as their own gangs is just lame, When your making a RP server..So you should just make separate skins available for people when they spawn, but that will be alot of work making a script from scratch, and people won't join your server if you only got some features, so try to make alot of things, and also test them out, and after 2 months release the server.

Ok, I will start the script from a scratch, but I'm sure if I won't succeed sometimes I'll try to use examples from GF or LARP.

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