Scripting help..1 line

Well i trying to De-bug a script and re-moldel it well this is the line that wont compile
"GetVehicleVelocity" i know it's probaly not a command but i need something like it so i can
get the vehicle speed ...All help will be greatly appreciated Thx in advance
(I also just started scripting so please don't act like im stupid)

GetVehicleVelocity is indeed a samp function. It will give you the velocity that the vehicle is moving on all the axis - x, y and z. You can read about it on the wiki here:

If you still have some problems, post the line/code in question and perhaps somebody will be able to help you out.

Thank you very much

I'll give you a small function, maybe you will use it:

pawn Код:
            Float: x,
            Float: y,
            Float: z;

        GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, x, y, z);
        return floatround((floatmul(floatsqroot(floatpower(x, 2.0) + floatpower(y, 2.0) + floatpower(z, 2.0)), 100.0) / 0.4463), floatround_floor);
It returns the vehicle speed in kmp/h.

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