RL Plane Crash!

yes thats right there was a plane crash about 4 blocks away from my House! the explosion caused the power to go out, i went walking down there and the damn riverdale city cops told me to back off so i did, anyways, 2 maybe 3 houses were on fire, no-one was hurt not even the passengers (Surprisingly), ill try to get a news report...

it happened now?

Lol, where is that?

Happy ends are always good.

actually, pilot was seriously injured (damn ppl gosiping on the streets told me NO injuries) and it was in Roy, UT

Damn, Thats bad, Must've been scary, I was heading to karachi once when i was at Pakistan, I heard a plane crash cash into the mountains, If you'll search *******, you'll find the video aeroplane going from karachi to islamabad, my aunty was going to islamabad that time, and everyone in my family was worried :l but hopefully she wasn't on that flight

lol i though Utah was like an asian city or something but when i saw the video i understood its not.

I bet that was shit scary :O

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