needhelp /safedrugs and /safemats

Helooo !!!

I need help !!

I want to make a safe system for gang members, this means to make a pickup in orders /put materials or drugs and /take materials or drugs, this can only be used by gang members, and when a member writes / stats to show him "safedrugs" and "safemats" and the amount that holds in the safe
Please Help me!
Good luck!

Just a example:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == 1)
        if(gPlayer[playerid] != gang) return 0; // If the player isn't from the gang named "gang", nothing happens
        else return true;
    return 1;

THX Man, know to create the pickup,but i don`t know to create the command and all necessary !!!!
Give me the script command and all necessarry !!!!

You can do it by many ways. One of them and most used is:
pawn Код:
new gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];  // Top of script, for defined which team is the player from
          #define SX 1
pawn Код:
On the callback OnPlayerClassRequest
          if(classid == 0) return gPlayer[playerid]=SX;

And according commands, and classes, you can add/define the teams/restrictions

This is just a basic example. If the player choose the class ID 0 (CJ CHARACTER), his team will be the defined team "SX".

Man i don`t understand...
so how do you get in that safe drugs through the command / rescue to put drugs and to show him / stats "safedrugs [ammount]

pawn Код:
new DRUGS[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Script top
pawn Код:
new COUNT = 0; // Script top
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/rescue",cmdtext,true,10) == 0)
   new string[128];
   DRUGS[playerid] = amount;
   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 5);
pawn Код:
new tmp[128];
new idx;
cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if(strcmp("/pickup",cmdtext,true,10) == 0)
  tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
   new id; id = strval(tmp);
   if(!strval(tmp)) return false;
   count++ = id;
Edit: I dont know certain how do it...
Here's a tutorial of strtok:

More help at:

help Me with the script .... i don`t know how make !!!
Please Help !!!

nobody help me ?

i need help !!!

help mee pls

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