[SUGGESTION] My all ideas :D

Dialog Position

pawn Код:
SetDialogPosition(playerid,dilogid,posx, posy);
Image here

Also, looking at this picture shows the idea following another, more than one dialog at a time

pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,123,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Caption"," ","Button1","Button2");
SetDialogPosition(playerid,123,posx, posy);
SetDialogPosition(playerid,456,posx, posy);
Icons in dialogs, 3dlabels, messages and more

Very similar to the color code used in the text

pawn Код:

In Dialog [IMAGE]

pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,dialogid,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Caption","{ic45} Shop\n {ic49} Bar\n {ic50} Restaurant \n {ic55} Gas Station","Button1","Button2");"
Using in a chat [IMAGE]

pawn Код:
stock IconInText(text[])
        IconInfo[][IconEnum] =
            { "<3",             "21" },
            { "car",            "55" },
            { "house",          "31" },
            { "pistol1",        "6" },
            { "pistol2",        "18" },
            { "pizza",          "29" },
            { "Spray",          "63" },
            { "Disco",          "48" },
            { "Clothes",        "45" },
            { "Question",       "37" },
            { "Truck",          "51" }
        string[(128 + 32)],
        pos = -1,
    strmid(string, text, 0, 128, sizeof(string));

    for( ; x != sizeof(IconInfo); ++x)
        format(tempString, sizeof(tempString), "&%s", IconInfo[x][IconName]);

        while((pos = strfind(string, tempString, true, (pos + 1))) != -1)
                tempLen = strlen(tempString),
                i = pos
            format(tempString, sizeof(tempString), "{ic%s}", IconInfo[x][Iconid]);

            if(tempLen < 8)
                for(new j; j != (8 - tempLen); ++j)
                    strins(string, " ", pos);
            for( ; ((string[i] != 0) && (tempVar != 8)) ; ++i, ++tempVar)
                string[i] = tempString[tempVar];
            if(tempLen > 8)
                strdel(string, i, (i + (tempLen - 8)));
            x = -1;
    return string;
this is a small example of how you would treat these icons in the chat, this idea of removing it from the Ryder inc - Colored Chat

Drive By Modes

We could put that nose using such " DriveByMode (0); ", this would be for condutor

0 = Normal mode

1 = Another mode to drive by - Example

[All ideas for me Karkanos - Cacoby] cool that would be successful in creating

Sorry for my fucking bad english

Icons in 3d labels?
I can't imagine that, lol.

great ideeas

Actually supporting floating dialogs will be the best,
but I remember Kalcor said he will not do that

Another drive-by mode means you can drive-by when you're driving?

@Driveby modes, what do you mean? Different crosshairs?

I've always thought of the icons ideas since I started scripting in SA:MP, I hope it will be added one day!

Wow. I love those ideas. I've tought about floating dialogs too, but instead of X and Y co-ordinates it should use something like percents (%), because peoples monitor sizes are different. top/bottom & left/right -X and -Y co-ordinates or something.

nope they are on 640x480 but they show up the same on every resolution (at least textdraws work like that) correct me if I'm wrong

good is supposed to be so...

ah about what the drive by I mean how to shoot while driving, say 0 is the typical style used Q and E to shoot to the side, 1 would try the driver fire as passengers, as shown in the image

Originally Posted by Cacoby
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good is supposed to be so...

ah about what the drive by I mean how to shoot while driving, say 0 is the typical style used Q and E to shoot to the side, 1 would try the driver fire as passengers, as shown in the image
I don't know If you're supposed to be able to driveby like that as a driver, he could be using hacks
that allows him to.

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