[Tutorial] strtok

I wrote this tutorial for a friend of mine who's learning but can't find any tutorial about strtok, and since there seems to be a lack of such threads, I'll post mine here. I hope it helps someone, even though strtok is useless compared to sscanf.

Here is an example of a basic command using three parameters:
pawn Code:
CMD:order(playerid, params[])
    // First we create the three strings and idx
        idx; // idx helps the function strtok to remember which word it last took from a string
    // Let's say the player types "/order extra crispy fries"
    // /order is used in the yCMD/zcmd/whatever system you're using and the rest of the string ("extra crispy fries") is stored in params, the string
    // We use strtok to grab the first word:
    format(string1, 30, strtok(params, idx));
    // PLEASE NOTE that strtok doesn't CHANGE the string, params is still the same as before!
    // We simply store the location of the space, like a bookmark in a book, for the function strtok
    // Now string1 contains "extra".
    // idx is changed from 0 (Which it is when we create it) to a representational symbol of the location of the space
    // in the string for the strtok function so it knows where it should start now that we do it again.
    // Right now, strtok will start at the position marked with an *, which is a space: "extra*crispy fries".
    format(string2, 30, strtok(params, idx));
    // It got the word "crispy" from the string, since it's all the letters from the * to the next space!
    // And now, we get "fries" since idx represents this position: "extra crispy*fries":
    format(string3, 30, strtok(params, idx));
    // So now we have three strings:
    // string1: "extra"
    // string2: "crispy"
    // string3: "fries"
    // And also:
    // params: "extra crispy fries"
    // Since the function we use to compare strings - strcmp - returns the same value if a string is empty as if
    // it was what we're looking for, we need to make sure that the variables contain something. Let's put the check
    // inside the string comparison part! (We use the function "isnull")
    // Now we can start checking if the player wrote extra, then crispy, then fries!
    if(!strcmp(string1, "extra", false, 5) && !isnull(string1)) // Always put in the maximum size of the word if you know what it is (5)
        if(!strcmp(string2, "crispy", false, 6) && !isnull(string2))
            if(!strcmp(string3, "fries", false, 5) && !isnull(string3))
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You've ordered some extra crispy fries!");
                return 1;
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You forgot fries!");
            return 1;
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You forgot crispy fries!");
        return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You forgot extra crispy fries!");
    return 1;

Doesn't seem like anyone needs it? :P I'm sure it's useful to someone?

Why don't you just tell your friend to use sscanf? It's probably a lot easier to learn the strtok.

You shouldn't be convincing people to learn about redundant and inefficient methods, sscanf beats strtok any day as you probably know.

Originally Posted by Lenny
I hope it helps someone, even though strtok is useless compared to sscanf.
Not convincing anyone, it's useful to learn all methods.

I even benchmarked them to prove it.

I dont know with you, but i would say that is a tutorial.

Damn, I couldn't find that :P Well at least mine is shorter

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