[FilterScript] [FS] improved mabako's admin script *UPDATED*

Originally Posted by Nova
How can i remove/change the name ( of ) the lock command? Because it make the /lock command for a car not work.

EDIT// I just deleted the line for the lock command in the config.txt and now it doesnt interfere anymore.
I don\'t understand, I changed the lock command - as it said on the main post - to "lockserv" =|

Originally Posted by Roka
Found one problem, if there is gamemode with commands, then gamemode commands doesent work.
For example - i launched LVDMOD - the message in chat writes - Blabla welcome to LVDMOD type bla to start, but commands doesent work. The same shit with Race script - types all the info, but no commands working, would be great if you fix that
I have no such problems - which commands don\'t work exacly?

I checked again - just played Headway, and the /lock command worked as a charm.

My server (a public one) runs LVMG a lot, and all of the commands work - when you type /help, it gives the line I wrote on the main post, and then it writes the gamemode\'s help.

nop, all the commands doesent write, ehh, i think this is my freaky multiscript again, which crashes the serer or doesent let work other commands.

Great job, YB! But I\'ve got a problem: I\'ve configured mabako\'s script already to all my needs, so now I have to insert yours.. that could take a while.

I\'ve got another improvement, which I think is quite useful:

pawn Code:
else if (strcmp(command, "setmoney", true) == 0 && CL_givemoney != -1 && Level[playerid] >= CL_givemoney)
      new xid[256],value,val_ue[256];
        xid = admin_strtok(cmdtext, index);

        val_ue = admin_strtok(cmdtext, index);
        value = strval(val_ue);

        if(!strlen(xid) || value == 0 || !strlen(val_ue)) { GetHelp(playerid,"setmoney-help"); return 1; }

        new lookupid;
        if(NameLookup(playerid,xid,lookupid,1) != 1) return 1;
        if(LevelWarning(playerid,lookupid,command,0) == 1 && value < 0) { LevelWarning(playerid,lookupid,command,1); return 1; }


        if(value > 0) {
  format(temp2,sizeof(temp2),"Your money has been set to $%d by %s",value,Name[playerid]);
        format(temp2,sizeof(temp2),"You set %s\'s to $%d",Name[lookupid],value);

      return 1;

Haven\'t tested it yet, but it should work, because they are just a few minor changes of /givemoney.

Also add this line:
pawn Code:
if(Level[playerid] >= CL_givemoney && CL_givemoney != -1) { format(temp,sizeof(temp),"%s %s%s",temp,prefix,"setmoney"); thisline++; if(thisline % 5 == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,temp); temp = GetHelp(playerid,"help2",1);} }
Below this line:
pawn Code:
if(Level[playerid] >= CL_givemoney && CL_givemoney != -1) { format(temp,sizeof(temp),"%s %s%s",temp,prefix,"givemoney"); thisline++; if(thisline % 5 == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,temp); temp = GetHelp(playerid,"help2",1);} }
And this in the Help.EN:


setmoney-help 0 USAGE: %ssetmoney [playername] [amount]
setmoney-help 0 Sets the user\'s money to the specified amount.

Tell me if there are bugs, as I said, i haven\'t tested it yet. I\'m on holiday..

Hi Yellow, i need your help, a little...

I already posted on the Filterscript Mabako topic, but i think you are more able to help me, because you have fixed a bug that i want to fix too...

I would like to know what you have changed in the Mabako script to fix the kick/ban bug :

I explain : I have Mabako v4.5. When I write a wrong ID with /kick ( for example /kick 5 ) and if there is no ID 5 in the game, the server crash, and not with your script!

Can you tell me what change you have done? thank you

PS: I do a nice screenshot, you have to see it : HERE!

Hey yellowblood, how do i restrict lowbie admins from seeing stuff such as what type /pm to each other and what commands they use?

SpZ: I will check this function some time, but now I\'m busy with other stuff (new gamemode, should rock)

yom: never heard of that problem. A) do you run a linux server? B) Do you run more filterscripts or weird gamemodes?

For PMs, search (with ctrl+f) this line:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerPrivmsg(senderid, playerid, text[])
and change the "Level[e] >= 2" on the "if" statement.

For admins chat, search for "//admins chat" and "@", and in both functions change the "if" statements (2 in each function).

For commands, search "show commands to admins" and change the "if" statement inside the finction.



I have a windows server, the bug is when i use Mabako (original or modified) filterscript, with or without others filterscripts, on all gamemodes.

But with your, the bug disappear!!! I try to find what change in your version, but its a little hard for me...

PS: Did you see my pic in my later post ?

EDIT: I have retry with originals files of Mabako, the bug is here! What have u done to fix it!!! Damn...

Here is a little table, this show your script have no bug :



A little mistake in your script ! I think you forget to remove the password ! line 420 !

Yom I don\'t think I can help you since I never experienced this problem.

and about the other thing, just delete the whole "if" thing and leave only the 2 lines that are inside the "else". I did it for some experimental and I guess I forgot about it

HI ! So, I have resolved my problem...Damned timer...i think

After long tests, i have found that is the command "ban" who is different of Mabako script, and it\'s this part which contain the bug, so i "just" replaced by your (hard lol), and now it work.


pawn Code:
else if (strcmp(command, "ban", true) == 0 && CL_ban != -1 && Level[playerid] >= CL_ban)
 new banid[256];
 banid = admin_strtok(cmdtext, index);

        if(!strlen(banid)) { GetHelp(playerid,"ban-help")return 1; }

        new lookupid;
        if(NameLookup(playerid,banid,lookupid,1) != 1) return 1;
        if(LevelWarning(playerid,lookupid,command,1) == 1) return 1;

 new File:fhandle;
        fhandle = fopen("userban.txt",io_append);



     return 1;


pawn Code:
else if ((strcmp(command, "b", true) == 0 || strcmp(command, "ban", true) == 0) && CL_ban != -1 && Level[playerid] >= CL_ban)
        new banid[256];
        banid = admin_strtok(cmdtext, index);

        if(!strlen(banid)) { GetHelp(playerid,"ban-help")return 1; }

        new lookupid;

        if(NameLookup(playerid,banid,lookupid,1) != 1) return 1;
        if(LevelWarning(playerid,lookupid,command,1) == 1) return 1;
        new jreason[256];
        new dindex = index+1;
        jreason = admin_strrest(cmdtext, dindex);
      new jtext[256];
        if(strlen(jreason) > 0)
            printf(" ----ban jreason: %s",jreason);
          new i = strval(jreason);
                case 1:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "god mode");
                case 2:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "money cheater");
                case 3:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "flying vehicle");
                case 4:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "flying character");
                case 5:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "known cheater");
                default:format(jtext, sizeof(jtext), "%s",jreason);
          jtext = "";

        printf(" ----ban jtext: %s",jtext);*/


//      printf(" ----ban message done");

        SetBan(lookupid,admin_strrest(cmdtext, index+1),playerid);

//      printf(" ----ban SetBan done");

        return 1;


pawn Code:
//BAN (/ban)--------------------------------------------------------------------

    else if (strcmp(command, "ban", true) == 0 && CL_ban != -1) {
    if (Level[playerid] < CL_ban) {

            SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"This command is for admins only!");

            return 1;

        new banid[256];
        banid = admin_strtok(cmdtext, index);
            if(!strlen(banid)) { GetHelp(playerid,"ban-help")return 1; }
            new lookupid;
            if(NameLookup(playerid,banid,lookupid,1) != 1) return 1;
            if(LevelWarning(playerid,lookupid,command,1) == 1) return 1;

        SetBan(lookupid,admin_strrest(cmdtext, index+1),playerid);
        return 1;
(I can\'t understand /* */, is it useful?)

My version is coming soon i hope

Originally Posted by yellowblood
and about the other thing, just delete the whole "if" thing and leave only the 2 lines that are inside the "else". I did it for some experimental and I guess I forgot about it
Jesus, would be nice if you removed that from the download link too. Thats a backdoor and a half.

OK now i try to set reasons for /clankick and /clanban, but i can\'t (how to define Name[clanname])

Have you an idea about that, or is it impossible?

If you can help me, it would be great! If no, don\'t worry its not important!

Originally Posted by yom
(I can\'t understand /* */, is it useful?)
I\'m glad you fixed it, and I still have no clue what was the problem S:

The big /* */ part was supposed to be a shorcut for ban reasons, like in the jail commands - means you could type "/ban user 2" and it would give "user has banned (money cheat)", but it didn\'t work, it just fuked up the whole ban system =[

DJDD: Done.

Yom: the clanban and clankick was crashing the script on my server, so I had to let go of them.

I think the problem was the kicktimer, it removed in your version, so i have do same as you

But i can\'t find the exact line of the bug, i just have replaced the part in my latest post (and removed "new kicktimer", just like you)

And now it work great,

I have add this line "clankick-ok 3 Clan kicked." in HELP.EN, then modify the mabako script to show this line in game when i type /clankick, just like others /ban /kick and /clanban commands

I also have fixed bugs shown in the console (i mean for example, when you do a ban, in the console is writed 2 lines : |--ban > xxx >xxx, then lower : |--ban successful > yom > ) I don\'t know if its a bug, but its fixed...

I have improved the presentation (colors, "|--" is now "-" , HELP.EN, config.txt, now a noob can configure easily, etc...for my own pleasure of course)

Tomorrow i post the scripts (mabako+my "own" and maybe a racemode), i hope you see what i have fixed in!

i have one question
does some one has crashes with this filterscript? i talked to one kid, he has this script to and hav server crashes.

Need more infos i think, like when the server crash? on startup or when he type a particular command , if he run more than one script etc?

not on start up, not on many filterscripts, adn i don\'t know where. Sometimes on startup. sometimes after 4 hours, sometimes after one week. And i putted celan server isntalation 3 times. nothing changed. The same shit have one kid. But when i had original mabakos rc 0.1 version, nothing that happened.

tried to add new weapons to spawn and when i tried to compile it said that a fatal error occured and couldnt read the dprop line which is #include <dprop> thats the whole line.

EDIT: it states this exactly D:\PROGRA~1\admin.pwn(8 : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dprop"
also i just redownloaded it and tried it and said the same thing so it isnt my Pawno.

Roka - Yeah me too, apparently my server has been cracking the shits lately. I haven\'t been around to see it happen, and none of my reliable sources can see any sort of pattern to it.

ogh, i thinked this is just my problem. Then i will ask, what script version do you have, another filterscripts gamemodes nad stuff?

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