Warning System

no, not a admin one :P

I want to make a warning system. Take area 69 for example. I want to make somthing like this.

if player is in 500 meters of (A cord from Area69) then they will get a message saying "WARNING 1 BLA BLA BLA"

then if player is in 300 meters of the same cord, they will get a message saying "WARNING 2 BLA BLA BLA" so on and so forth.

I know there is a way to do it, i've seen it.

Any help?

You need to create a varible in the player's account,named pAreaWarns.Then do this

pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,30.0,x,y,z))//This will check if the player left the area
      PlayerInfo[playerid][pAreaWarns] = 0;
      GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"You left the area",5000,5);
      return 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,30.0,x,y,z))//First warning,300 feets
       GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Warning 1!",5000,5);
       PlayerInfo[playerid][pAreaWarns] = 1;

else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,20.0,x,y,z))//Second 200 feets
       GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Warning 2!",5000,5);
       PlayerInfo[playerid][pAreaWarns] = 2;

else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,10.0,x,y,z))//Third,DEATH
       GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Warning 3!Your getting shooted",5000,5);
       PlayerInfo[playerid][pAreaWarns] = 3;

Testing Now.

But first you need to check if the player is there NONSTOP
Im not very good in timers but i saw this reply

Originally Posted by TheXIII
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Something like this?
pawn Код:
// Global array
new FindCPTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
// Under Command
FindCPTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("SyncFindCP", 1000, true, "ii", playerid, player);

// Function under timer
public SyncFindCP(Looking, ToFind)
    if( IsPlayerConnected(ToFind) )
        new Float:ToFindPos[3];
        GetPlayerPos(ToFind, ToFindPos[0], ToFindPos[1], ToFindPos[2]);
        SetPlayerCheckPoint(Looking, ToFindPos[0], ToFindPos[1], ToFindPos[2]);
    return 1;
Ofc,this needs to be edited

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