[FilterScript] Mechanical Transmission System

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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Looks great, I would love to see a car just randomly blow up or something while using this
Now that would be some funny shit esp. on a roleplay, but on a Roleplay i would get the vehicles health and if the health was like around 350 something hp i would freeze the player, and make them exit the veh or have a mechanic to fix it :P

Originally Posted by Hal
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Is there a server that is using this, cause i would like to test it :P
Sorry, I\'m not using it anymore.
Originally Posted by Las Venturas CNR
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Good job, this is really nice with the numbers

The only fucked up thing is the black box around it...

what happened?
I don\'t know. For some people it looks ok, for others not. I think it depends from the resolution.
Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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Looks great, I would love to see a car just randomly blow up or something while using this
Try and make

Sounds great I\'m going to test it soon.

Looks nice, I\'m going to test it asap, nice release man.

Nice work.

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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Nice work.

wups you can do that... its easy... remove the Automatic Transmission and put just manual then if he don\'t change the life of the car stays in 400 and stops the car :P

This is not part of the Transmission system.

I\'m having an issue with it... i cant seem to see the textdraw and it says it loaded succesfully...

Strange. Don\'t you see any textdraws? Maybe a foto of it?

nah really, i enter any vehicle and no changes nothing happens... is it the meaning of merging it in a gamemode or make it a fs? i made it a fs... and tried to unload all my other fs\'s and other gamemode but still nothing..

You should ask RyDeR` about this.

The script is pretty good but there was such script made 1-2years ago

Damn, its awesome..let me test it NOW!

Good job

Originally Posted by 0ne
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The script is pretty good but there was such script made 1-2years ago
The only one i saw was full of bugs, and had nothing except a bar with RPM.
Originally Posted by Brian_Furious
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Damn, its awesome..let me test it NOW!

Good job

JUST WHAT I NEED, MAN I LOVE YOU! THANKS A LOT! But how can I change gears? XD

This is something different xD

Would be awesome if you could grind your gears,

causing your cars transmission to need to be repaired. xD

very nice...made something very similar but without the N and mine is only automatic... :]

Wow!!! Amazing! .. Good job

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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Have you ever driven a car? RN2 ? WTF is that? First of all It\'s RND12 and If It\'s supposed to be manual transmission R12345(6).

Either way, If It works It\'s awesome and I will probably use It :P

Well i see someone didnt drived car with manual transmission

On manual transmission cars you have R N 1 2 3 4 (5) (6) (some cars dont have 5 and 6 gear)

On my parents car Volkswagen Passat gears are:

R 1 3 5


__2 4__

__ is empty nothing there

So you can see if you want change gear you must press clutch and change gear.when you changing gear you must use N(there is no other way exept if you want to break transmission)

[EDIT]I cant see RPM and gears i just seblack box and speed

[EDIT]Strange bug...I get in car DRIVE and stop after that i can see gear\'s and RPM

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