Need help PLEASE

Ok so i was trying to make objects move up and down by them selfs...I tried alot of stuff and I could not figure it out!

This is the setup i have.

new ob1;
new ob2;

ob1 = CreateObject(925,-1136.44543457,-987.37402344,148.59642029,0.00000000,0.00000000,0. 00000000);
ob2 = CreateObject(2669,-1136.31091309,-991.23712158,150.75749207,0.00000000,0.00000000,18 0.00000000);

and the moveobject should be like this for each.

MoveObject(ob1 , -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 130, 3.1);

MoveObject(ob2 , -1136.31091309,-991.23712158, 160, 3.1);

Have you tried doing it with a timer?

pawn Код:
forward MoveGates();

public OnGamemodeInit()
     SetTimer("MoveGates", 2000, true); //2000 is 2 seconds, which means it will check every 2 seconds. Change it to whatever you want.

public MoveGates()
     if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 148.59642029))
          MoveObject(ob1 , -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 130, 3.1);
          MoveObject(ob2 , -1136.31091309,-991.23712158, 160, 3.1);
           MoveObject(ob1 , -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 148.59642029, 3.1);
          MoveObject(ob2 , -1136.31091309,-991.23712158, 150.75749207, 3.1);
      return 1;

This works but it is not a gate it is objects that move up and down by them selfs i tryed almost everything i can come up with! did not work, I even tried making my own

new Float:x;
new Float:y;
new Float:z;


if (z == 130)
 MoveObject(ob1, -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 148);
 MoveObject(ob1, -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 130);
but still doesn't work!! Please can you tell me another way to do it?

So you just want them to move up and down repeatedly? You can do that with my method that I posted. Just take out the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint and replace it with what you have above.

ok, thx i got it ! this is what i have now!

forward MoveGates();

new Float:z;
new Float:x;
new Float:y;

public OnGamemodeInit()
     SetTimer("MoveGates", 2000, true); //2000 is 2 seconds, which means it will check every 2 seconds. Change it to whatever you want.

public MoveGates()
     GetObjectPos(ob1, x, y, z);
     if (z == 148.59642029)
          MoveObject(ob1 , -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 130, 3.1);
          MoveObject(ob2 , -1136.31091309,-991.23712158, 160, 3.1);
           MoveObject(ob1 , -1136.44543457, -987.37402344, 148.59642029, 3.1);
          MoveObject(ob2 , -1136.31091309,-991.23712158, 150.75749207, 3.1); 
      return 1;

That should work. Depending on your move speed, you might want to adjust the "2000" to something more or less, because:

If object 1 takes even 2.2 seconds to get to the z position, 148, the timer has already moved on and you will have to wait until the next cycle, another 2 seconds, before it moves again. If it takes less time, it sits there waiting. It isn't a big deal really depending on what you want to do with it.

Just experiment with it!

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