Client bug when using PutPlayerInVehicle

Today, I used PutPlayerInVehicle. When my friend tested my code and I was looking near him, I saw following:

After PutPlayerInVehicle, the player was put in the correct vehicle. BUT, the old vehicle where player was previously in ,was following the new vehicle without a driver.

I don't know how to explain this, but I will post a picture later.

Anyone noticed the same? Using 0.3b R3

This is a streaming problem.
Other Clients don't see the player changing the car, but the client notices the moving of both cars.
In affect both cars moves, but only at streamed in players

Happens to me to.

It's basically single player limitations. I know GTA isn't exactly realistic, but CJ would never be put in another vehicle, whilst in a different vehicle.

Tip of the day, don't put a player in a vehicle, if he's already in a vehicle. Not a SA-MP bug imo.

Remove the player from vehicle then put them back into the new vehicle id.

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