public call back bug bug (server not starting)

I'm coding a vehicle system with mysql but i get stuck with one bug i created one stock to load vehicles and the code looks alright its compiled. I put the LoadVehicles(); at ongamemodeinit and it dont't starts and if i remove it from gamemode init it starts here is my code

pawn Код:
forward LoadVehicles();
public LoadVehicles()

        new string[256];

        for(new i; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
            format(string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE carid=%d", i);

            new row[128];
            new field[13][32]; //
            mysql_fetch_row(row, "|");
            explode(row, field, "|");
            vehicleinfo[i][id] = strval(field[1]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Model] = strval(field[2]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Color1] = strval(field[3]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Color2] = strval(field[4]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Locationx] = strval(field[5]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Locationy] = strval(field[6]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Locationz] = strval(field[7]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Angle] = strval(field[8]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Owned] = strval(field[9]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Owner] = strval(field[10]);
            vehicleinfo[i][Type] = strval(field[11]);
            vehicleinfo[i][RespawnTime] = strval(field[12]);
            printf(" Cars Loaded ");

Any sugestions to solve this problem?

hmmm i don't know, seems okay to me.
i sometimes had a problem like this too, everything seemed ok, but the server still only restarted every time he loaded everything. try rewriting it, that sometimes worked for me

Are you sure the database;

a) connects (Print to find out)
b) exists
c) is accessible

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